I miss 蛋餅, 意麵王, 便當, 7-11, 蚵仔煎, 甜不辣, 餛飩湯, sashimi, 蔥油餅, 挫冰, 芭樂, 知多家, 屈成市, 康是美, 台灣麵包, 士林夜市, 高島屋, 新光三越, Sogo, MRT, all the tea shops and hello kitty stores, 台灣親切的服務... most of all, i miss my family and chloe calling me "Jackie A-yiiii~"
Monday, September 10, 2007
after a nightmare at the vancouver custom and a $1200 fine, i came home to sleep for 19 hours straight. woke up at 4am. i hope i've recovered from all this mess... i'm ready for school and work now. wish me luck.