自從家裡裝了衛星, 我以經看了好幾部電影。 發現其實我還滿愛看電影的。 但我只喜歡在家裡看, 不喜歡去電影院。
昨天看了Sex and the City Movie,surprisingly 還滿感人的。。。
之前還看了P.S. I Love You, 覺得那是近幾年來最感人的電影。 強力推薦。:)
Been busy at work lately as well. I now realize the difficulty of ming's job. Being a teacher is not easy. Having patience is a must... Whether i have enough patience is yet to be determined. But i really enjoy the challenges and see how the students are improving every day (well, at least most of them are).
Maybe because i've been working more, i'm always tired, sleep for a long time now. Can't wait till X'mas now. But i don't like x'mas, coz it makes me think about family and how i'm not around them. So maybe i don't want x'mas to come. X'mas also mean the end of a year, so i hate that feeling too. That means another year has passed and i've still not accomplished anything.... Also means i'm getting old. Boo x'mas, booo.....