Tuesday, June 03, 2008

六月了。。。 日子過的真快。夏天很害羞要來不來的。有兩天熱的跟舌麼一樣,結果再來的一個月都還是很冷。
work is still busy every time I go. i seldom get a break, not eating anything for the whole shift, or if I do, i eat at like 6pm. :S
i've been doing some searches for the trip that we plan to go in July. everything is still up in the air. coz we are really not in any financial situation to go on a trip, but if we don't go, we will never go. plus, if we go later, then it doesn't count as honeymoon anyways.
i don't know why but i've been thinking about going to the Netherlands. ming wants to go to England, so we can probably go afterwards.
but i have to say, life is better now that my school is done. there is still some stress, but different kinds of stress. let's see if my acne improves now~ haha...


FT said...

I want to go to England too. And all the other European countries~

Nica and I haven't had our honeymoon as well. Honeymoon's overrated.

pandaming said...

how would you know if you haven't had it??

pandaming said...

A: Have you heard??
B: What?
A: Something is happening at the pandablog.
B: really? No way! OMG, i gotta go check it out!
A: YUP, get online now and get yourself over there...don't wanna be the last one to leave a comment...that'd be so lame!
B: oh sure, i don't wanna be lame....
A: for sure, man...
B: right on...

(and these senseless conversations continue to occur all over the world..... another ad spot brought to you by Shameless Self-Promotion. "anytime, anywhere".)

FT said...

Wow, this horrible spot's popping up everywhere.

nicacookie said...

Ming should pay Jack for putting advertising on her blog!