Monday, February 26, 2007


昨天和朋友中午去吃dim sum, 吃不到一半突然餐廳出現了舞龍舞獅. 好久沒看過舞龍舞獅了. 不過從小到大都很怕也很討厭舞獅的聲音. 尤其在一個小小的餐廳裡那聲音實在是太吵哩. 連小孩都被嚇到哭摀奢耳朵. 我們也是被吵得都吃不下. 整個process至少長達40分有吧... 不過看那些人賣力的演出,覺得還蠻辛苦的. 尤其是做尾巴的那個要彎腰全程, 還要把前面那個抬起來. 他們有輪班就是了. 昨天其中有一個男得長的還蠻帥的, 我和在坐得女生朋友說, 結果ming就說"我們要不要請那位男的過來坐啊?" 哈哈哈, ming 有時還真風趣. ^.~

Sunday, February 25, 2007


煮了我最喜歡的紅豆湯. 我覺得煮得不錯因為紅豆顆粒都還在(用慢鍋煮的), 且味道也很不賴. 只是給小銘喝了後他竟然說他喜歡喝沙沙的... 我說那你乾脆喝"紅豆沙湯" 好了... 他說我奇怪... *.*||

Saturday, February 24, 2007

almost "blind"

It is official... one of my eyes is over 1000º
I've been seeing double images lately and night vision is a problem, so i finally went to see an eye doctor. I don't know what i would have done if i don't have health insurance (i only have insurance coz i'm a student now), probably put it off even longer bah.
I think it's time to look into the option of lasix eye treatment. @.@

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

我不睡~~ (it's a nice song by 古巨基)

早上6點鐘,醒著。 哎一定是昨晚喝太多茶了。
既然睡不著就來寫個blog吧。為什麼不想想essay topic 呢,Jack?
昨晚2點多才睡,翻到3點才睡著。 6點又省來真是命苦。

就來說說 how i spent my chinese new year bah...
i spent my chinese new year hugging my toilet bowel and slept the whole 2 1/2 day that felt like years.
i must have gotten some bugs from work, after sleeping for the whole day on Friday, i woke up saturday 5am and puked several times. i think i won't be having lasagna any time soon.
this is why you should keep your toilet as clean as possible (thanks to Lysol disinfectant wipes to make this possible) because you never know when you will be hugging it and if it is disgusting, it will only worsen your nausea.
(this message is especially directed towards my other housemate members)
so from Friday (after dropping ming off the airport and shoveling snow) till end of Sunday, i had: 1 lasagna (which i threw up), 1 bottle of water, 1 apple juice, 1 fruite cup, 1 bowel of congee (thank god for Helen and her mom), 2 Advil (for fever!), and 1 Gravol up my bum (thank god for Helen and her mom again). Helen was my life savior. If it weren't for her, i would be dead by now coz i would have threw up like crazy and got so dehydrated. i even lost weight (even though ming doesn't think so). i recall going to the bathroom less than 4 times in these 3 days. what a nightmare.

i thank helen and her mom for delievering food and medicine to me even when they are so busy and going through a rough time. i also thank my friends who called and asked how i was doing. thank you for your 關心 and 慰問. You guys know that i'm not a crying baby, so you called me to see how i was doing. I am lucky to have all of you guys as my friend.

Now the symptoms have gone away, ming has come back, and i am feeling much better now. (besides still cannot eat large amount of food at once and cannot sleep today ~.^ ) Time to start work again. I thank you God for giving me back my health.

Friday, February 16, 2007

weekly blogger?

this week's update= lots of things have happened.
there was a double murder case happened just around the corner of our place on monday. it was kinda creepy because the police blocked off the whole street onto the big road with yello tape all over, and lots of news reporters were at the scene too. choppers were circling above our neighborhood all morning. even till now there is a police car and a big truck that says "forensic crime scene ..." on the side of the truck outside of the crime scene 24/7. everyday when i come home i have to see that, kinda disturbing. turned out that it was a 四腳戀.... ok, maybe not, but a rather complicated situation. husband killed his wife and his wife's boyfriend's wife inside his house. what kinda wacko person is that......>.<

tuesday i went to school. thank god GO train is not on strike.

a snow storm has hit us on Wednesday-valentine's day. we got over 20cm of snow, where cities west of us got close to 50cm! i just spent over an hour shoveling our driveway and walk way to our door. i hate snow. i drove 2 hours and was 1 hour late for work that day. but i was just glad that i got there safely. felt so sorry to the nurse who waited for me to give me report. i heard that there was a mom on our ward whose best friend's husband drove in to deliever some food for the mom, but he got into a car accident on the highway his way back home and was killed... how sad is that....
despite that, ming and i still went out for dinner that night. it was a nice dinner at milestone. the food was excellent.

Thursday i worked, again! wow... at night, i watched grey's anatomy. for people who don't watch the show, u'r missing big. it's such a great show. last night's episode was so 震撼!!!

went to the airport with ming this morning at 4:30am. he's gone for the weekend. i will be alone for chinese new year. that's okay, it gives me time to catch up some school work.

it's been a cold winter. ever since i came back from taiwan, the weather has been pretty bad. yesterday was -20 degrees and -30 with windchill!

i pray for spring to come soon....

Friday, February 09, 2007

weekly $#$*%^@$*&

School is hard... it really makes me wonder if i can handle it. Maybe my mom was right, why get married this year? Why not after school is finished? I was probably afraid that i would never be able to finish school hence never be married. What's the rush anyways? Ming doesn't seem to be in any sort of time-contraint anyways. He is getting sick of me asking him about the invitations already (well, the truth is i have been pretty annoying about this issue). And i don't remember where i read it, but they say it's a bad year for me to get married. Why? i don't remember. But who cares about that.
I just want to be free... free of school, free of work, free of worry for no $. Life cannot be perfect eh...

Sunday, February 04, 2007

楊伯伯 1928-2007

楊伯伯 is my best friend Helen's father. He passed away peacefully last Monday. He was an incredible men with little words, big smiles, and a big heart. He treated me like his own daughter. He is now at a better place with God and watching over us. Helen did an incredible job at taking care of the visitation and funeral. Many people came to show their respect and everything went beautifully and smoothly. I felt really sad to see Helen going through such pain and so much crying. Fortunately she has a bunch of great friends who helped her going through this. They were such supportive friends. I was very honoured to be part of the funeral service and stood beside Helen when she needed me. I will miss you very much, 楊伯伯, please go meet my grandfather, have some tea and some chat, you guys would make good friends.