Thursday, March 01, 2007

baby talk

There was this news last night: women may increase their chance of getting pregnant if they consume lots of high fat dairy, ie. ice cream. Notice the word MAY. Even though the study was done in a scientific way, there was still many shortcomings of the research, so nothing is really proven yet. So the news went on and talked about how women may start eating ice cream now because of this finding. They even interviewed a fertility clinic. This triggered my thinking. Do people nowadays want to have kids because they still feel like they need to pass on their genes/傳宗接代, or because they simply want kids. Will men still choose a woman if she is infertile? Looking at some stories that older men choose women who are much younger (like the playboy guy who just married a 27yr old woman), isn't part of that because younger women represent youth and fertility?
I do not believe in it, because people already have a hard time finding their mate, so don't think they would give up a relationship just because the woman cannot bare his child. Saying that, there are also cases where there is pressure coming from the male side of the family wanting the women to have kids. And admit it, you and I have all heard of that story....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

傳宗接代was not the first thing came to our minds, we simply just want to have "our" kids.
It's the Love that we are talking about not the outside appearances
. But, there are more prices to pay after having kids =D