我有時候會想, 如果我今天在台灣工作, 我會不會比叫成功? 我是否還是會像現在一樣懶而且只是作個平凡的工作? 常常把英文當做我的藉口 "因為我英文永遠不會比別人好, 所以我永遠不會做的比別人高" ... 還是我的事業心真的沒有那麼強... 當我在這碰到困難時就好想回台灣, 總覺得如果在台灣就不會出生這種事了. 我一直很相信一個人在事業上成不成功和他的人際關係很有關聯. 我覺得我的人際關係一直都很好, 直到我到了加拿大後... 不信你問問我在這的"台灣"朋友, 就可以知道其實我不是個那麼木訥, 不懂得交際的人. 噯... 說這些又有什麼用呢?
不會啦﹐你不會木訥呀﹐你的英文也滿不錯的呀﹐我不是因為安慰你才這樣說。事業心這種東西是看人啦﹐再加上當護士本來就常得過日夜顛倒的生活﹐有事業心的人也不見得可以適應的好呀。如果覺得想改變環境﹐可以part time去學你很有興趣的東西﹐像interior design/deco, 用你會中文這件事來幫助你去從事你有興趣的東西﹐就是做副業也無妨呀。。。(寫一寫就想乾脆打給你好了)。。。哈哈
其實我覺得沒有事業心又怎樣? 工作又不是生活的全部 只要過的開心 對自己負責就好了 (只是如果你想要的東西很多 那就可能需要多賺錢來滿足自己的慾望了 =))
還有 是比"較"不是比"叫" (看來你的英文應該比中文好 哈哈)
親愛的賈姬,我只能說,木訥這2個字在你身上看不到阿?硬要塞2個很類似的字又要很合襯你的字頂多就是"內向"吧.但先決條件是和我比較喔. 事業心這種形容詞適合給在職場上只想一心往上爬的人,這種人很搶錢,換句話說就是很積極的人...我也是個很愛搶錢的人阿,但是總覺得工作快樂比想往上爬還來的重要多ㄌ,你要的是在各方面多些自信,把生活弄的豐富一些,不要閒閒亂亂想,我希望你在生活中 ,永遠都是喜樂的..
What the hell is this.. a Chinese writing festival or something? Well, I am going to write in English, or it'll take me 2 days. Here it goes:
Jack, I agree with everything Connie said. And you're thinking too much again. The Pisces of you is really showing in your entries these days. No, you are not 木訥, you kidding? You are just a bit shyer around strangers, more like a 'slow cooker' at best. Career wise, except the working hours, I think you are in a great place no? If English is what's slowing you down, find mandarin speaking patients. I am sure they'll want your help more? Of course, first thing first, you need to enjoy what you do.
你們不懂,當我其實是個滿外向的人但在和外國人相處的時後我就是個滿木訥的人。這對我的identity其實是很傷的。這個城市雖然很multicultural, 但open minded的人卻很少。他們不會覺得今天一個皮膚不一樣的,英文不好的人,今天比較內向或是花比較長時間懂一樣東西是因為文化不同而不是因為這個人奇怪。you get what i am saying?
如果問問我的coworkers about me, 他們可能會形容我as polite, shy, quiet, etc. 可是我比較好的朋友可能就不會這麼說吧。anyways, 謝謝你們的關心,我只是喜歡亂想啦...
You know, I feel exactly the same at my workplace actually. But there are no other ways around it, I think the only way to overcome that feeling is to improve our knowledge of all the current events and everything cultural related. Since we are already a step behind in the language. Going back to Taiwan will probably change how you feel, but it'll take some time too. Because you'll be relearning the Taiwanese working culture.
i don't think that going back to TW will change much....in a way, you will be an outsider to the TW crowd as well.
I actually started to enjoy my 'uniqueness' among the Canadian co-workers.... i think that it's about accepting the difference and make the best out of it. We too, are guilty of imposing stereotype on the so-called North Americans.... in a way, we are really just being treated the same way we treat others....
i am sure that if you think real hard, you will recall moments that you felt accepted and being 'one of the crowd'.... that's when you stop analyzing the differences and simply enjoy the people as human beings.... so what if you don't get a joke or two....life goes on....and you can still be who you are....
that's my two cents..
ur two cents will work for people like you, people who hold a more positive attitude. But when it comes to someone who has lower self esteem, aka me, i hate it when i feel defeated, and language is a big part of it. i just keep thinking about it over and over reinforcing my low self esteem. makes me hate my 2nd language even more. gosh i miss home.
Go back with me this summer then.
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