Thursday, October 05, 2006

A pleasant surprise

Life has been busy... however, a pleasant surprise came to me tonight. I happened to chat with an old friend/classmate thru msn, and he told me that one of my closest friends back in highschool, maggie, (whom i've lost contact with), has gotten married and opened a resort in taiwan!!! Maggie is the God mother of my imaginary son, Teddy; some of you might have met Teddy, he is my fav! I was very sad and disappointed when i lost touch with maggie. She moved back to taiwan after high school and we kept in touch by writing each other (do you still remember those days when we used to write?). Then she had to move from northern taiwan to central taiwan, and during that big earthquake in taiwan, it hit her town, so my letter to her must have gotten lost. I was in university, things started getting busy ie. boyfriend and friends, so i just got lazy and never tried to find her again. I think i just gave up. But believe it or not, i've always thought of her, coz even ming, who has never met her, knows this character. I was so excited and happy to hear that she's doing well now and i am going to write to her through email, now that i know how to contact her. If you have time, take a look at the resort that she's opened. I think it is very charming. Some of the descriptions of the resort are hand-written, and i believe those are her hand-writings. The website tells a touching story at the beginning as well.

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