Friday, April 27, 2007

2 weeks recap

so i stayed home for almost a week last week. i was home all day sunday waiting for our couch to arrive, then we went out for dinner. after dinner, i did not leave the house (except one late night drive through to MacDonald's on Wednesday, but i still didn't go outside coz i went straight from house to car then back) till Friday 6pm!!! What did i do for those 5 days? I was recuperating from the cold and finishing my final 2 papers. I finished writing by Thursday night. Then i spent the weekend playing. When ming finished proof reading my papers, it was this Monday already and i wanted to hand it in the following day when i go to class. But we had a weird weather on Monday, some extreme wind, rain, thunderstorm, and power went out in our town! I thought the power was gonna come back in an hour or so, but it was out for over 5 hours! I couldn't finish my papers until the power came back, ppfff... good thing the power came back around 11pm, and i was able to finish fixing my papers before i went to bed. The traffic that day was crazy, all the traffic lights were out, and many stores had no power. The wind was insane.
So i handed in the papers on Tuesday, and started my summer course the same day. I did not get any break at all, which sucked. So after class, i went and bought 2 pairs of shoes to relieve my frustration, and since i worked yesterday, i went to buy another pair today! Hahaha.... i have a problem. Hey, one of them was my wedding shoes, so it doesn't count. So that's my plain and "eventful" 2 weeks recap. Oh, just thought i will add this, we ate in everyday, except weekend, and the day that power went out (i was actually gonna cook that night, i washed and cut all the food already, but couldn't cook them coz we use electric stove), and yesterday coz i worked and ming bought dinner. I am finding eating in very relaxing and more healthy, but i still don't like cooking or doing all the dishes all the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eating in/cooking everyday can be stressful. we find eating in on weekdays and eating out on weekend relaxing. cuz by eating in on weekdays, we can save up to eat out on weekend [since i eat so much :(]