Caleb is still breech... This is making me so frustrated!!!!
I tried the exercises from the information brochure that my midwife gave me, but it just seems like every time i get into those positions for the baby to turn, he just freeze. I have a feeling that he doesn't like it when i do them, because before and after the exercise, he would be moving crazy, but during it, he just refuses to move.
Perhaps it's the shape of my uterus? Or he's already too big to be turning... Ming and i were saying that he must not be very flexible, and we have come to the conclusion that he got that from me. I can't even touch my toes!
But listen people, it is not my fault that this baby wants to be breech. Even if it's because of the shape of my uterus, it is still not my fault!
So what if i'll have a c-section, don't make it sound like such a terrible thing coz tons of women give birth by C.