Thursday, April 19, 2007


今天看到什麼小米筒的website, 看到她做的臘腸飯,覺得我的original recepie被偷了。 所以我決定來做我自己的website on 臘腸飯。
準被要做時才發現,darn, 家裡已經有作天剩下的白飯ne,而且冰箱還有不知到放了多久的稀飯(應該還不算久因為是我生病時煮的,現在還在病),所以不想再煮新的飯。 不過我不會讓這小插曲影響我要做的決心,所以我improvise, 把它變成炒飯。eh, don't worry, it is just as easy as my original 臘腸飯。把蒜頭,芹菜,青江菜,臘腸切成小小段,越小越好。熱鍋,油, 把蒜炒香,加入臘腸, (look closely, 臘腸看起來有點像小梅花)炒到臘腸半熟時把飯倒進去炒到even, 再加入兩樣青菜。(Cindy會說菜好像太多了,don't worry, it's not.
等到菜熟時就好啦! 可以加些甜醬油 before completion to add to taste (Jamie會說no, no, no!). 在此我也要給讀者一個見意(小米筒說什麼用培根來代替臘腸,我覺得太油啦)如過沒有臘腸可用“香腸“代替。 ~.^
1.煮飯就煮飯還要照相,真累。而且還要用很多unnecessary的碗,i'm all about efficiency, man.
2. 還不難吃。
3.因該不會再做下一個entry on cooking了。因為打中文太累啦。
4.小米筒真強,i give it to you.


Anonymous said...

Good effort Jack. I really enjoyed reading this entry. My favorite lines include the following:

- Cindy會說菜好像太多了,don't worry, it's not.
- 煮飯就煮飯還要照相,真累。而且還要用很多unnecessary的碗,i'm all about efficiency, man.

It does look pretty good. yah... I appreciate all the hard work but I am as close as making the dish look presentable at the moment; making the steps pretty on the internet is totally beyond me ;)

Anonymous said...

It sure looks great! So, who did the dishes? =p

Unknown said...

I did, of course...