Friday, May 26, 2006

I don't understand why sometimes ppl can be so rude. At the end of my shift yesterday, i paged the on-call doctor for something. And you know what she said to me?! "You know what, this kida thing should be dealt with during the day, at night it should be emergencies only. next time can you remember that?" I wanted to tell her that she can just shove it up her ass and do her damn job. But instead, i kept my cool and my all time "goodie goddie person" 水準 and just asked her to please do it, because ultimately it is for the patient. The truth is, it is the "doctor's" job to do the thing that i needed her to do. If her fellow doctors could just remember to do their job during the day, then i wouldn't have to page her at that time. plus, it was only 7pm, what was her problem, pms?


Anonymous said...

Yup! I have met many rude people, too. I guess that's just part of the life ba. Not everyone is like you, thinking like you....

Anonymous said...

I will give you an example of rude people I met.
Last week when we were in this section filled with golf balls at the children's museum. This boy (same age as Chloe) dropped his ball and Chloe happened to pick it up. Chloe did not know what to do with the ball, just kept looking at the boy. That boy's mom came and said to Chloe " that's his ball, you have to give it back!" What the....??? There were so many other ones, why being so demanding and harsh to a 2 year old? The ball did not have that boy's name on it ya.
So, Rudy told Chloe to give it back and went on playing other games. Few min after, the boy came and play with Chloe; Chloe shared her balls with him. We were so proud of our little girl and proud of ourselves because kids always turn out to be like their parents. ha ha ha
Btw, this was the 2nd time I met rude moms like that!

Unknown said...

yes, i heard about that incident in the park. some moms are just low class, unlike us. :P

pandaming said...

prop to the classy mom(s)!

FT said...


Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.