We were at T&T the other day shopping for groceries: T&T is the place we go 90% of the time now, coz it's got all the good chinese and taiwanese food there. I love this drink called "蘋果多." You can probably find it anywhere in Taiwan 7-11. But not here!!! T&T used to sell it (at $3.99+tax/pack of 6 >_<) with limited quantities, but they haven't had any for over 1 year now. I used to check out the drinks section all the time just to see if they've imported some, but after months of disappointment, i gave up and stopped looking. But this other day, while i was just waiting for ming and his mom at the veges section, the corner of my eye caught a whole stack of "蘋果多!!!" I was ecstatic and jumped (literally) off the shopping cart that i was hanging onto and grabbed a good 2 packs... Maybe it was not much, but i treasure it so much that it will take me at least 2 months to finish this. This happened probably a few days back now and i still can't get over the joy of having 蘋果多. I LOVE 蘋果多!!! ^0^

你很愛喝垃圾飲料ㄟ~ especially those 鋁薄包的...
Jack is 鋁薄包女王~
why is it 垃圾飲料? it's apple juice!!!
not natural bah~
sugar sugar sugar
lots of sugar
i wonder why you don't gain weight...
by the way, it is 鋁箔包!
>.< i don't care, whatever you guys say will not change my feeling towards 蘋果多!!!
just don't drink too much, 小心鋁箔包中毒...
Is there such thing?
i love rootbeer~
umm, i guess no one asked....
Now that I know it is something you treasure and like a lot. You treated me once, I remember that. Thanks Jack!!
I guess it doesn't matter of what's in the drink... doesn't matter that much if it's healthy or not...
Jack loves it, cos of the memory...
Enjoy the 蘋果多, hope T&T will keep on selling it. ;)
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