I went to another bridal store by myself yesterday. Last time i went with a friend, but i didn't really get to see anything, coz appearantly i need to book appointments to try on dresses at bridal stores! Same with the store yesterday. This is just a store near our place. The owner said that they've been in business since 1968! Anyways, because i didn't book appointment ahead of time so i couldn't try on any dresses (that's okay, i didn't want to anyways), but i just wanted to check out the place. The owner suggested me a few things (he was quite nice), ie. look early, don't try on dresses that's out of your budget, blah blah blah; then he said to bring my mom or sister with me next time, so i can get opinions on it, since they are the ones who would know me best. I told him that they won't be able to help coz they don't live here. So he said, well, who is going to come with you? I said my friends. Then he said that's even better, coz you can't choose ur family coz you're born with them, but you can choose your friends! Hahaha... what a funny guy. But honestly, after i left the store, i thought about what he said, 鼻頭有一點酸酸的. Seems kinda lonely here without any family...