Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Merry Christmas!
Honestly, ever since I heard that Takko's out on the blogger biz, I didn't feel like writing anymore. Coz what's the point?! Ming doesn't write his blog until it reaches 3 weeks mark, and i don't know anyone else who keep up his/her blog as dedicated as Takko. Plus i've been sick staying at home, so haven't really had anything interesting happened to me besides our dinner on CN tower on Saturday. So I've been basically staying at home since last Thursday! Went out for dinner on Saturday, this cold has really killed my days off. I wanted to do so much but instead i had to stay home. There is a little part of me that's glad i'm sick, coz it gives me excuse to lie in bed all day. I am loosing some money making opportunities tho, I planned to work for a few days before going back home so i can make a few extra bucks for shopping. ;) That's okay, coz i'll be doing lots of that when i am in Taipei. Can't wait to go back, but also scared coz that means one step closer to the new school semester. This will probably be the last blog that I'll write this year (or maybe not). Merry christmas and Happy new year to everyone!!!

Thursday, December 14, 2006
The dating game
So apperantly I am in one of the top 5 female professions that are "datable." But i guess nurses cannot compete with Models or "air host" since they have to be pretty in order to do that job. As for nurses? There are some ugly nurses out there...
Both male and female doctors are the most desirable professions by both sexes. Really? Men like their girlfriends to be doctors? That's just against the tradition, i thought men don't like women with autonomy?
Doctor 92%
Architect 89%
Lawyer 89%
Property Agent 89%
Fire Fighter 86%
Accountant 78%
Pilot 78%
Teacher 78%
Athlete 72%
Builder 72%
Musician 72%
Nurse 69%
Social Worker 61%
Dancer 58%
Model 58%
Plumber 58%
Artist 56%
Sales Assistant 50%
Bartender 47%
Air Host 42%
Politician 31%
Doctor 92%
Model 92%
Air Host 88%
Dancer 88%
Musician 88%
Nurse 88%
Property Agents 87%
Sales Assistant 84%
Teacher 84%
Artist 80%
Bartender 80%
Athlete 76%
Lawyer 72%
Architect 68%
Accountant 60%
Social Worker 60%
Pilot 44%
Plumber 44%
Fire Fighter 28%
Politician 20%
Builder 16%
Source: FastLife and Lavalife
Vancouver Sun
Both male and female doctors are the most desirable professions by both sexes. Really? Men like their girlfriends to be doctors? That's just against the tradition, i thought men don't like women with autonomy?
Doctor 92%
Architect 89%
Lawyer 89%
Property Agent 89%
Fire Fighter 86%
Accountant 78%
Pilot 78%
Teacher 78%
Athlete 72%
Builder 72%
Musician 72%
Nurse 69%
Social Worker 61%
Dancer 58%
Model 58%
Plumber 58%
Artist 56%
Sales Assistant 50%
Bartender 47%
Air Host 42%
Politician 31%
Doctor 92%
Model 92%
Air Host 88%
Dancer 88%
Musician 88%
Nurse 88%
Property Agents 87%
Sales Assistant 84%
Teacher 84%
Artist 80%
Bartender 80%
Athlete 76%
Lawyer 72%
Architect 68%
Accountant 60%
Social Worker 60%
Pilot 44%
Plumber 44%
Fire Fighter 28%
Politician 20%
Builder 16%
Source: FastLife and Lavalife
Vancouver Sun
Monday, December 04, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
step 1 2 3
This is the third time that i've changed the date of our wedding... let's try to keep it at this date now please.... going crazy here. Next step (or steps), find florist, cake maker, and photography (coz all have to be arranged on the same date). Maybe i should start looking for my gown too? At the mean time, i should finish my two final papers first then worry about the wedding. One step at a time. No need to panic.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
pillowcases and children?
What the heck has this world become of? I was out shopping for some pillowcases. I could not find anything less than $20 per two! They are just pillowcases! Where two pieces of rectangular fabrics get sewed together! Give me a sewing machine and i can make you 10 for under $10. I hate coming home empty handed....
Everything has become so expensive nowadays. I had a thought that maybe i should not have any children coz i won't be able to support him/her. I can barely support myself... I still want to buy all those nice things for myself, not for another person. But maybe this "another person" will feel like part of me that when i buy for him/her, it will feel like buying for myself? Who knows....
Everything has become so expensive nowadays. I had a thought that maybe i should not have any children coz i won't be able to support him/her. I can barely support myself... I still want to buy all those nice things for myself, not for another person. But maybe this "another person" will feel like part of me that when i buy for him/her, it will feel like buying for myself? Who knows....
Friday, November 24, 2006
I love Grey's Anatomy
If you haven't seen Grey's Anatomy, you should really do that. It is a great show!!! I don't know why, but it's just great. It's got the cheesy love-hate relationships between men and women, and it's also got some interesting medical cases (mostly exaggerated tho, but that makes it more like TV and not real life, which i like). And i just realized that there's a character in it whose name is the name i want for my future daughter, it's "Izzie." She's an interesting character as well, and she's quite pretty. I can't believe that she's only 27 in real life as opposed to Meredith who is 37! Oh, and Mc.Dreamy... He is just tooooooo dreamy....*.*
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Late night reading and "Jolin最愛現場音樂精選": a good combination. It starts off with some fast pace music to get you started, then it eases off to soft light music to keep you awake but not interfere with your reading too much. That's my pt. of view though. Try it.
Monday, November 20, 2006
it finally snowed~
We finally decided to rake the leaves of our front lawn yesterday afternoon. It was freaking cold... my hands were frozen so i had to bust out my gloves, my cute pink gloves... our neighbor must think i'm such a princess, wearing pink gloves and my fancy coat raking leaves. It was so cold coz it was about to snow! We did not know that, and good thing we did it before it snowed or else our leaves would be barried under and kill our grass when snow melts/spring comes. I don't think we did an amazing job, coz there's still tons here and there, but we ran out of bags and it was getting dark/cold. I bet our lawn will have bald spots next year. :S Because of this stupid lawn work, it took up ming's afternoon, so he couldn't get his work done and stayed up all night. You still want a house, ming?
Friday, November 17, 2006
I have to say... President Chen, u'r wrong for saying this... u'r supposed to be the real demoncratic president for the present generation. what the prevous president received has nothing to do with you, whether it was right or wrong... u should just do whatever u believe is right but also be thankful for the things that a president gets, or not gets... ahy...
I have to say... President Chen, u'r wrong for saying this... u'r supposed to be the real demoncratic president for the present generation. what the prevous president received has nothing to do with you, whether it was right or wrong... u should just do whatever u believe is right but also be thankful for the things that a president gets, or not gets... ahy...
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
This blog is for you~
To all of my friends and family who views this blog of mine, i want to make an annoucement.
I do not pick up phone calls (very rarely). When you call me at home please leave a message. I will pick up your call while you are recording a message, or i will call you back if i am not home while you called. If you don't do the above, i will not know who called and you will not hear back from me. Getting more than 5 calls at home during the day with no one leaving a message prompts me to write this message because i do not want to miss my dear friends & family's calls. There. And no, i am not 吃飽沒事做 .
I do not pick up phone calls (very rarely). When you call me at home please leave a message. I will pick up your call while you are recording a message, or i will call you back if i am not home while you called. If you don't do the above, i will not know who called and you will not hear back from me. Getting more than 5 calls at home during the day with no one leaving a message prompts me to write this message because i do not want to miss my dear friends & family's calls. There. And no, i am not 吃飽沒事做 .
me and my mess
When i look at my place, the office, my room, and many more places in the house, i know it is messy. Ming cannot stand messiness. But for some reason (maybe laziness), i don't mind it. In fact, i enjoy the mess. It gives me a feeling of "home." I think only my family would understand what i'm talking about here. ~.^ But do not confuse messy with dirty, coz i cannot stand dirt, whereas ming doesn't care much about it. I write this blog to try to justify my messiness.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
busy busy work
Went to work on Monday. It was so freaking busy. We have this program called GRASP at work that measures our work load for the day. After you enter in what you've done for the patient for the day, it would tell you approximately how many hours you've spent on him/her. I did it on one of my patients, he turned out to be 9.12 hours!!! Plus i still had 2 others who were rated 2. something and 3. something. Plus i went for my 1.5 hour break. How does that add up? I do not understand... The people up there probably don't look at these anyways, they won't be able to comprehend the amount of work that we do at bed side. I have to say that I am proud of what i've accomplished for the day and still be able to go for my breaks.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
1 day K.town trip
Ming and I came back from a 1 day intense/busy trip to Kingston last night. We had a party here at home till 2:30am Friday night, woke up at 8am on Saturday, drove down to Kingston, Brockville, then we returned at 5pm. We did manage to fit in Don-Nang into our crazy schedule though. ;P We were originally going to stay over-night in either Kingston or Brockville, but we decided to save the hotel fee and came back to our comfortable home. It turned out to be a good idea coz we finished everything that we wanted to check out by 5, so we figured if we drive back, it wouldn't be too late. Even though the two of us were dead tire from lack of sleep the night before, but ming drove the way there, and i drove half way back (while ming snored away), it turned out to be not too bad. Ming was so tired though... this kinda one day trip is really tiring. The main purpose of our trip was to check out wedding reception places (and i bet we'll be doing a lot more of these in the near future, so anyone want to tag along, u'r welcome to do so). After seeing 7 places in total, we are still very confused as to what we really want. Not one place was perfect. It is going to be a hard decision to make, but one that needs to be made soon, coz we can't drag it on for too long anymore...
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Help me~
I have a sickness.... an over-spending sickness...
Help me... take my credit card away from me...
Or i am going to be broke very soon.
Help me... take my credit card away from me...
Or i am going to be broke very soon.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
little fat sheep
I meant to write this entry 2 days ago, but have been too busy...
So i guess some of you might have already seen my msn nick name for the past little while all about this little sheep. And guess what i found at T&T the other day...

So ming and i had this for the last 2 days. I gotta say, the taste was still good, but it wasn't as fun as eating it at the restaurant, coz "I" had to do all the cooking for 2 people! Plus the preperation work! And the fact that there was no other friends present made it less meaningful as well. But i gotta say, the package was worth the money, just $2 you can have little fat sheep right at your home. Just gotta deal with the smell in the house afterwards though... my scented oil was burning for the whole night after dinner X2 nights.
So i guess some of you might have already seen my msn nick name for the past little while all about this little sheep. And guess what i found at T&T the other day...

So ming and i had this for the last 2 days. I gotta say, the taste was still good, but it wasn't as fun as eating it at the restaurant, coz "I" had to do all the cooking for 2 people! Plus the preperation work! And the fact that there was no other friends present made it less meaningful as well. But i gotta say, the package was worth the money, just $2 you can have little fat sheep right at your home. Just gotta deal with the smell in the house afterwards though... my scented oil was burning for the whole night after dinner X2 nights.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
I feel old...
Yesterday I went to my favorite clothing store, aritzia. This girl helped me with the dress i tried on. I had trouble deciding whether i should get the black one or the red one. So she asked "do you go to school?" "Yes," coz yes, i am going to school (just not the grade she was refering to). "then i would go with the red one, coz it's more flashy," she said (did she think that i go to high school?). "I would never wear this to school," i replied, that is just too much. Then she asked "why not? it's so sharp and trendy," so i said to her "that's because you are still young..." She smiled and said "well yeah, i am 17." !!!!!! WHAT!!!!! She was only 10 years younger than me, nice... I feel old...
Thursday, November 02, 2006
I went to another bridal store by myself yesterday. Last time i went with a friend, but i didn't really get to see anything, coz appearantly i need to book appointments to try on dresses at bridal stores! Same with the store yesterday. This is just a store near our place. The owner said that they've been in business since 1968! Anyways, because i didn't book appointment ahead of time so i couldn't try on any dresses (that's okay, i didn't want to anyways), but i just wanted to check out the place. The owner suggested me a few things (he was quite nice), ie. look early, don't try on dresses that's out of your budget, blah blah blah; then he said to bring my mom or sister with me next time, so i can get opinions on it, since they are the ones who would know me best. I told him that they won't be able to help coz they don't live here. So he said, well, who is going to come with you? I said my friends. Then he said that's even better, coz you can't choose ur family coz you're born with them, but you can choose your friends! Hahaha... what a funny guy. But honestly, after i left the store, i thought about what he said, 鼻頭有一點酸酸的. Seems kinda lonely here without any family...
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
I feel poor---
I don't know if some of you know that I love Cinnabon. Only those fresh ones you get right our of the oven. Yesterday ming and i went to the mall and saw the crowd in front of the cinnabon shop. We couldn't resist and bought 2 (one was supposely for ming's cousin, coz she said she wanted to try). The price came out to be ~$7.75. For TWO cinnabon?!!! The two of us went "wow." We paid and walked away from the shop feeling guilty. With that kinda money, we can eat two good bento boxes at a chinese restaurant. For the first time since i've gone back to school and be a student, i felt poor... I could see it in ming's face too, he must have felt it too. Then again, maybe he was just thinking "what a rip off!"
Saturday, October 28, 2006
I am a princess
I am a princess. I admit it, I am a princess. Everything has to go my way, or your head will get chopped off. Nobody shall bug me when i don't wish to be bugged, or your head will get chopped off. You should all accommodate me to suit my needs, or your head will get chopped off. You should all update your blogs whenever i check them, if not, your head will get chopped off. I admit it, I am a princess, hence this is a fairy tale. (jack going crazy here)
I am a princess
I am a princess. I admit it, I am a princess. Everything has to go my way, or your head will get chopped off. Nobody shall bug me when i don't wish to be bugged, or your head will get chopped off. You should all accommodate me to suit my needs, or your head will get chopped off. You should all update your blogs whenever i check them, if not, your head will get chopped off. I admit it, I am a princess, hence this is a fairy tale. (jack going crazy here)
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
a blank week
woow, i haven't written any entries for a week. there really isn't much to write. life has been up and down, and probably because of all the events that have happened cancel each other out so i can't remember a thing. have you ever had this feeling? living life like a train passing by in front of your eyes, going so fast that you can't remember what each trailer looks like and you just blank out... you know that something has happened, but can't remember the details. life is sad like that.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
pathetic experience
I raised a comment in class today. 當時心裡pi pi chua. 講完了還心跳加速好幾分鐘... so pathetic. ;) English is not my strong suit. >.<
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Can't think of anything to talk about
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving and Autumn Festival~
While ming is having a blast in Vancouver (with MY family!!!), i am here in the cold blue toronto city, reading a bunch of boring journal articles. :(
There's so much to do, but i have so little energy and interest in doing them. Reading, writing, playing... see, so much to do.
I will see my family in December. I am looking forward to that.
Happy Thanksgiving and Autumn Festival. Who wants to eat moon cake with me?
P.S. Looks like Yankees are going to lose this series...
There's so much to do, but i have so little energy and interest in doing them. Reading, writing, playing... see, so much to do.
I will see my family in December. I am looking forward to that.
Happy Thanksgiving and Autumn Festival. Who wants to eat moon cake with me?
P.S. Looks like Yankees are going to lose this series...
Thursday, October 05, 2006
A pleasant surprise
Life has been busy... however, a pleasant surprise came to me tonight. I happened to chat with an old friend/classmate thru msn, and he told me that one of my closest friends back in highschool, maggie, (whom i've lost contact with), has gotten married and opened a resort in taiwan!!! Maggie is the God mother of my imaginary son, Teddy; some of you might have met Teddy, he is my fav! I was very sad and disappointed when i lost touch with maggie. She moved back to taiwan after high school and we kept in touch by writing each other (do you still remember those days when we used to write?). Then she had to move from northern taiwan to central taiwan, and during that big earthquake in taiwan, it hit her town, so my letter to her must have gotten lost. I was in university, things started getting busy ie. boyfriend and friends, so i just got lazy and never tried to find her again. I think i just gave up. But believe it or not, i've always thought of her, coz even ming, who has never met her, knows this character. I was so excited and happy to hear that she's doing well now and i am going to write to her through email, now that i know how to contact her. If you have time, take a look at the resort that she's opened. I think it is very charming. Some of the descriptions of the resort are hand-written, and i believe those are her hand-writings. The website tells a touching story at the beginning as well.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
My first Nike watch ^^
Something is wrong with the blogger tonight, so I am going to write this again.
Last night ming and I went crazy at the Nike employee store. Ming got this invitation from work, so it was a pretty rare event for us. Therefore we just bought so much. Well, actually i bought more!!! Can you believe that, me, spent more money than ming at a Nike store...
My proudest 戰利品 was this watch-

This watch probably costs 1/100 of ft's P watch, but i absolutely love it. It has a 24hr clock setting, which is so cool. Maybe i'm just very outdated.
Last night ming and I went crazy at the Nike employee store. Ming got this invitation from work, so it was a pretty rare event for us. Therefore we just bought so much. Well, actually i bought more!!! Can you believe that, me, spent more money than ming at a Nike store...
My proudest 戰利品 was this watch-

This watch probably costs 1/100 of ft's P watch, but i absolutely love it. It has a 24hr clock setting, which is so cool. Maybe i'm just very outdated.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Shoe talk
This blogger is in response to Lance's yesterday entry.
Here i want to talk about "CROCS." I first knew about Crocs during one day at work. Our hospital was selling them at the atrium, and they had tons of them. I was originally looking for a new pair of sneakers (for work walking), and they are usually priced at >$150. So while i saw Crocs, i thought, "hey, why not give them a try, since they are only $35". So i got a pair! They are awesome!!! Ever since then, i wear it to work all the time, or if i just want to go in/out of the house, Crocs is the best choice! You can wear them in the sand and then just spray them afterwards to have them cleaned; good for gardening and beach activities. They have holes all around that prevents smelly feet. The thing that impresses me the most is even after 12 hours of walking/standing, my feet still feel great (well, my legs will feel tired nonetheless even wearing sneakers), but because crocs are so light, i am not dragging weights (sneakers do feel like weights after 6 hours), so it is less work out for me. I love them so much that i mailed my parents each pair! (they finally got them afte over a month), and i also bought ming a pair. I know that a lot of teenage girls are wearing crocs now coz they are "in" but seriously, they are the most comfortable shoes that i've ever owned. Now, i don't know if it helps to support your spine or anything, all i know is, after 12 hours of being on my feet, i really can't complain about them. Mine is coulor purple and i think it is the best colour.
Here i want to talk about "CROCS." I first knew about Crocs during one day at work. Our hospital was selling them at the atrium, and they had tons of them. I was originally looking for a new pair of sneakers (for work walking), and they are usually priced at >$150. So while i saw Crocs, i thought, "hey, why not give them a try, since they are only $35". So i got a pair! They are awesome!!! Ever since then, i wear it to work all the time, or if i just want to go in/out of the house, Crocs is the best choice! You can wear them in the sand and then just spray them afterwards to have them cleaned; good for gardening and beach activities. They have holes all around that prevents smelly feet. The thing that impresses me the most is even after 12 hours of walking/standing, my feet still feel great (well, my legs will feel tired nonetheless even wearing sneakers), but because crocs are so light, i am not dragging weights (sneakers do feel like weights after 6 hours), so it is less work out for me. I love them so much that i mailed my parents each pair! (they finally got them afte over a month), and i also bought ming a pair. I know that a lot of teenage girls are wearing crocs now coz they are "in" but seriously, they are the most comfortable shoes that i've ever owned. Now, i don't know if it helps to support your spine or anything, all i know is, after 12 hours of being on my feet, i really can't complain about them. Mine is coulor purple and i think it is the best colour.

Thursday, September 21, 2006
Taiwan's media is so screwed up
I haven't written blogs for a while now, so i am going to 寫個夠.
Taiwan's media is so screwed up. This is the heading of a news on Apple Daily:
But here is what's in the article:
Isn't that title misleading?! Well, i find it misleading. Plus, 李遠哲 probably didn't use this exact wording "拉下台."
I think 李遠哲 is very right. You cannot ask someone to be prosecuted without letting this person to go through a trial. Afterall, it is a law-obeying country. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. I am not saying that the president is not guilty, but there's gotta be a lawful way to deal with this, instead of rallying naive don't know better tends to follow taiwanese crowd to congregate. It is a waste of government and public's resources. It is hard to be just when the whole media is biased. Therefore, an innocent person may be protrait as guilty, or a guilty person may be seen as innocent. Taiwanese media is screwed up.
Taiwan's media is so screwed up. This is the heading of a news on Apple Daily:
But here is what's in the article:
Isn't that title misleading?! Well, i find it misleading. Plus, 李遠哲 probably didn't use this exact wording "拉下台."
I think 李遠哲 is very right. You cannot ask someone to be prosecuted without letting this person to go through a trial. Afterall, it is a law-obeying country. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. I am not saying that the president is not guilty, but there's gotta be a lawful way to deal with this, instead of rallying naive don't know better tends to follow taiwanese crowd to congregate. It is a waste of government and public's resources. It is hard to be just when the whole media is biased. Therefore, an innocent person may be protrait as guilty, or a guilty person may be seen as innocent. Taiwanese media is screwed up.
If you have read ming's blogger, then you may know that we went to see a baseball game on Tuesday night. It was the Jays against Yankees. Due to stupid roation problem, we didn't get to see Wang. However, because the Yanks won, they all came out to the field to hi-five everyone, so i saw a glimpse of Wang. He was tall, hair was long (i don't know how he gets away from it), and looked really poised. You ask how i could tell all that from sitting far away? I can only say that 'i have good eye sight and 6th sense.'(and plus he uses LV too) ;)
This was on the Apple Daily news:
I think there was a lot of people who went because they like Wang, not because they like baseball. Just like a lot of taiwanese ppl now, who never used to like baseball, but because of Wang, they start to be interested in it. I call these people "fake sports fans." ~.<
This was on the Apple Daily news:
I think there was a lot of people who went because they like Wang, not because they like baseball. Just like a lot of taiwanese ppl now, who never used to like baseball, but because of Wang, they start to be interested in it. I call these people "fake sports fans." ~.<
Another long week~
Another week as passed (because today was my last class of the week. well, i have another class tomorrow morning, but it is non-credit, so i don't really count that as a real course). It was kinda a crazy week. A lot has happened during last week. I almost thought i would never return to a peaceful life anymore. The hectic construction is still going on tho, but at least we are getting closer now. The new carpet is in and it is looking fab!
I am slowly getting used to the commute by public transit. But as the weather starts to get colder, I am leaning more towards driving. When i finish my ride tickets, maybe i will start driving. This morning a lady got onto the bus, paid the driver, then the driver said to her "lady you are one cent short." I couldn't believe it when i heard it. The lady was very polite and said "oh, sorry," then she digged into her wallet and pulled out ten cents and said "here, and don't worry it (the change)." But the driver insisted on giving her change back. What a stupid driver! I still said thank you to her when i got off the bus tho.
I am slowly getting used to the commute by public transit. But as the weather starts to get colder, I am leaning more towards driving. When i finish my ride tickets, maybe i will start driving. This morning a lady got onto the bus, paid the driver, then the driver said to her "lady you are one cent short." I couldn't believe it when i heard it. The lady was very polite and said "oh, sorry," then she digged into her wallet and pulled out ten cents and said "here, and don't worry it (the change)." But the driver insisted on giving her change back. What a stupid driver! I still said thank you to her when i got off the bus tho.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
our contractor is in big trouble. he's gonna get it from ming (more like from me but lucky for him i won't be here tomolo)
And again, I hate commuting. Today the train that i was catching was slowing leaving in front of my eyes.... So i had to wait for the next one, which was 30min after. If i had ran just a little bit faster, and i shouldn't have used the escalator, should have used the stairs, then maybe, maybe i could have caught the train.
I am going to drive to classes from now on. Coz i've calculated it, it actually costs the same amount of money for me to take public transit and to drive (includes gas money). Therefore, I am going to drive now! Sorry air.
Today our reno guys created a huuuuuuuuge problem. Ming and I are F*cking pissed!!!!! So pissed..... but i gotta sleep right now, coz i have to wake up early tomorrow....
I am going to drive to classes from now on. Coz i've calculated it, it actually costs the same amount of money for me to take public transit and to drive (includes gas money). Therefore, I am going to drive now! Sorry air.
Today our reno guys created a huuuuuuuuge problem. Ming and I are F*cking pissed!!!!! So pissed..... but i gotta sleep right now, coz i have to wake up early tomorrow....
What a scary and sad news...
I can't believe what happaned in Montreal today. This world is becoming colder and colder. While i was reading the news from different sources, each on says different things. I was wondering how the guy could fired over 20 shots? What kinda gun did he have? If he had a small one, did he like switched to new bullets in between shots or something? Or did he have a big one that allowed him to shoot continuously? If that was the case, that would be freaking scary... how do people get their hands on these weapons? This was such a shocking and sad news, coz this could happen anywhere! On any campus! I couldn't believe my eyes when i saw the news. God bless those who were at the scence and especially those who are still in the hospital.
reno biz again...
We have been eating out almost every meal now. Even if we eat at home, it would be take out or left over take out food. This actually gets me out of "cooking duties" and it is A OKAY! I don't want to cook when there's constructors at the house and i wanna wait till everything is finished so i will have a clean kitchen again. Our kitchen has been covered under a pile of 灰, which is from all the sanding down of the ceiling. I wipe and the next day the same thing happens again. When this whole reno is over, i will have to wipe down the entire kitchen. A good friend of ours is having house reno too and we will be helping him out with his painting this weekend. Kinda look forward to it. I bet there will be cleaning that needs to be done as well. Don't know why i am always willing to help out other people with their house jobs but when it comes to my own, i just feel "tired." Hopefully the house will be ready (at least 80% ready) when ming's cousin comes. I would hate to show a newcomer a filthy house. Ahy, lots of work to do but i am too lazy to move....
ming says "i will help you clean! yeah right"

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Winner's, you should go!
The other day i found this piece of bathroom accessory that fits perfectly with our new bathroom. I found it at winner's. If anyone happen to go to winner's and see any of this line of bath accessory, please buy them for me, as i need more. I bought a toothbrush holder, it is a rounded ceramic, it has a dark wooden colour bottom (actual wood) and horizontal lines of mixture of blue, green, and yellow i think. It is a line called H2O trends. If you see any more of these, let me know!!! Maybe i should just take a picture of my piece and post it here.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
First day of class...pwhhh....
So today was my very first day of class towards my degree. While i was walking on U of T campus, i thought "hey, i fit right in!" even though i may be 10 years older than a lot of kids there, but i dress just like them (does that mean i should dress more like my age?). It is a big campus, U of T. I think i did a lot of walking while i was at Queen's, but Toronto is HUGE. Maybe it's because i haven't done a lot of 'intense' walking for so long, today's walk seemed so tiring. (then i thought, why am i doing this again?) Remember those "quick walks" that we used to do in between those 8:20-8:30, or 9:20-9:30, etc? I wasn't in a rush at all, but i just thought i should be walking fast coz i was "going to class," funny eh? Today's class was bigger than my whole undergrad class back at queen's! And that was not even the entire 1st year grad students! Toronto is big. So today i became one of those 'scary' train/subway riders because i was 'kinda' (only kinda) running too. But i have to say, i hate commuting, and i hate union station.
Monday, September 11, 2006
sleep~time management
It is now 1:48am and i am doing absolutely nothing. I am just browsing the net and going over and over the bloggers of my friends to see if anything new has come up. Why don't i go to bed? That is a question that i ask myself as well. I gotta quit this latenight wasting time habit. It's time to get myself into regular routines since i am a student now.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Ming's 29th Birthday
Today was ming's birthday. We went to this Japanese restaurant recommanded by our friend Steven. The food was great. Ming was happy. The Spicy Tuna Roll and their Tamago sushi was the best i've had so far in Toronto. Then we had their homemade Mandarin Pie, it was great too. Also recommanded by Steven, but he made it once for us and i thought his was just as good as the restaurant's. There was a lot of Japanese customers at that place, so we thought of our other friend Greg, who's also a Japanese (but speaks no Japanese). Then on our way out, we saw Uncle George! Who is Greg's uncle! What a coincidence!!! Please view more photos on my msn space.

Yesterday we also celebrated ming's birthday at Egg/Dumas' place. Lucky ming got a toy bike and a scatch book (and a cake!). We have nice friends.

Yesterday we also celebrated ming's birthday at Egg/Dumas' place. Lucky ming got a toy bike and a scatch book (and a cake!). We have nice friends.
Friday, September 08, 2006
The nightmare continues...
So what happened today?! I was getting evicted out of the bedroom and out of the bathroom/shower that we have been relying on for the past 3 weeks, even though the newly renovated bathroom was not 100% finished yet...
I am so frustrated with this whole reno, today i couldn't even use the bathroom at all (coz the new one was not finished and the window had no curtain on, they rushed me out of the master bedroom's bathroom, and the powder room is now the constructors' outlet). So i said to myself that i should use the bathroom when i go out, since i had some errands that needed to be done. But guess what, i forgot to go while i was outside! I only remembered it after i had returned home.... so i had to use the disgusting powder room. I can't believe that i have to squat to pee in my own home... >.<
So what have i been doing? I've been cleaning everyday, and they just come in and mess it up again. This routine has gone on for weeks now. Tonight i had to clean the small bathroom, since it is the only usable one now. But what's the point, they are going to mess it up again when fixing more stuff! (the light above the sink is totally off to the side, the tile still needs to be fixed, there's more painting to do, and the shower doors have yet to come). On a side note, the new toilet that we got, is incredible. :P
Negotiation is a very tiring thing. Making decisions is also very stressful. And since I am home more than ming, the contractor has been pulling me here and there to ask me questions. Very tiring...
Now we have pot lights in the house. The very first 4 pot lights of the house and they are in the kitchen. However, they are not bright enough!
The new bath vanity stand for the master bathroom finally arrived today. But they drilled the hole wrong on the sink top! So the top went back again...
Ahy, what else can go wrong with this on-going nightmare.....
I am so frustrated with this whole reno, today i couldn't even use the bathroom at all (coz the new one was not finished and the window had no curtain on, they rushed me out of the master bedroom's bathroom, and the powder room is now the constructors' outlet). So i said to myself that i should use the bathroom when i go out, since i had some errands that needed to be done. But guess what, i forgot to go while i was outside! I only remembered it after i had returned home.... so i had to use the disgusting powder room. I can't believe that i have to squat to pee in my own home... >.<
So what have i been doing? I've been cleaning everyday, and they just come in and mess it up again. This routine has gone on for weeks now. Tonight i had to clean the small bathroom, since it is the only usable one now. But what's the point, they are going to mess it up again when fixing more stuff! (the light above the sink is totally off to the side, the tile still needs to be fixed, there's more painting to do, and the shower doors have yet to come). On a side note, the new toilet that we got, is incredible. :P
Negotiation is a very tiring thing. Making decisions is also very stressful. And since I am home more than ming, the contractor has been pulling me here and there to ask me questions. Very tiring...
Now we have pot lights in the house. The very first 4 pot lights of the house and they are in the kitchen. However, they are not bright enough!
The new bath vanity stand for the master bathroom finally arrived today. But they drilled the hole wrong on the sink top! So the top went back again...
Ahy, what else can go wrong with this on-going nightmare.....
Thursday, September 07, 2006
I hate reno....
Ok, so when you watch all those TV home make over shows and so many things go wrong and you wonder if it's all an act? Not true... I've had and still have first hand experience in home reno frenzy, so i believe anything is possible...
* In the midst of budgeting, our basement started to leak... that ended up costing $700 extra.
* They dumped a garbage dumpster on our drive way, forgot to move my car, so it is now forever trapped in there, and it is now full of dust since they are doing work in the garage (like cutting wood or tiles).
* The shower faucet system had missing part, ming had a fight with the home depot ppl whire returning it, got really mad and got a speeding ticket on his way home.
* The shower system is now installed, i just realized that the shower head is an entirely different one from what it's supposed to be (and i only realized this coz i took a 2nd look of our system at the home depot today and thought "hey, that looks different from ours at home!")
* The standing shower tiles were put on unevenly and unleveled, we let it go, then one of the floor tile is unleveled too! Mind you we only have what, 9 tiles in the entire bathroom floor coz they are big tiles.
* Ikea screwed up, so after visiting Ikea in Vaughan (which is >30min drive) over 5 times, we had to drive all the way to Ikea in Etobicoke (another way 30min drive as well) to find the product that we want.
* The bathstand that we got did not fit with our water pipes, so they had to cut it, make some changes to it.
* Spent another extra $300 for a ceiling vent that wasn't part of the plan.
* They painted the whole family room in one colour! When we had asked them to paint the lower part (below the trim) white!
* The new windows have not arrived yet.
* The new carpet has not arrived yet.
* The new bathroom vanity stand was supposed to come yesterday, but neither ming or i were home to pay the company.
* The guy walked into the bedroom while i was still asleep!
* They started taking out the lights in the kitchen while everything was still on the counter. So i had to clean off everything and remove everything.
* The house is in a constant mess/dirtiness. We had to move everything out of the small bathroom, family room, master bedroom, now the kitchen. Things are just being moved around.
* Tons of communication problems with the contractor, regarding what was said and what was not said... i hate it.
I hate reno, i hate having to stay home when there are strangers in the house, and i hate to make decisions regarding the reno all by myself.... please don't let me make any decisions, ming.... >.<
* In the midst of budgeting, our basement started to leak... that ended up costing $700 extra.
* They dumped a garbage dumpster on our drive way, forgot to move my car, so it is now forever trapped in there, and it is now full of dust since they are doing work in the garage (like cutting wood or tiles).
* The shower faucet system had missing part, ming had a fight with the home depot ppl whire returning it, got really mad and got a speeding ticket on his way home.
* The shower system is now installed, i just realized that the shower head is an entirely different one from what it's supposed to be (and i only realized this coz i took a 2nd look of our system at the home depot today and thought "hey, that looks different from ours at home!")
* The standing shower tiles were put on unevenly and unleveled, we let it go, then one of the floor tile is unleveled too! Mind you we only have what, 9 tiles in the entire bathroom floor coz they are big tiles.
* Ikea screwed up, so after visiting Ikea in Vaughan (which is >30min drive) over 5 times, we had to drive all the way to Ikea in Etobicoke (another way 30min drive as well) to find the product that we want.
* The bathstand that we got did not fit with our water pipes, so they had to cut it, make some changes to it.
* Spent another extra $300 for a ceiling vent that wasn't part of the plan.
* They painted the whole family room in one colour! When we had asked them to paint the lower part (below the trim) white!
* The new windows have not arrived yet.
* The new carpet has not arrived yet.
* The new bathroom vanity stand was supposed to come yesterday, but neither ming or i were home to pay the company.
* The guy walked into the bedroom while i was still asleep!
* They started taking out the lights in the kitchen while everything was still on the counter. So i had to clean off everything and remove everything.
* The house is in a constant mess/dirtiness. We had to move everything out of the small bathroom, family room, master bedroom, now the kitchen. Things are just being moved around.
* Tons of communication problems with the contractor, regarding what was said and what was not said... i hate it.
I hate reno, i hate having to stay home when there are strangers in the house, and i hate to make decisions regarding the reno all by myself.... please don't let me make any decisions, ming.... >.<
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Driving is still better~
I had my first ever GO Train ride today. I must say, it was a horrible experience. I am not like ming, i did not enjoy the train ride at all. The whole ride was so slow that made me very sleepy. I am a very impatient person, so if i see that the train is going at 5km/hr, it drives me mad. The morning ride was not as bad as the afternoon one. I saw lots of happenings, a guy got busted for not having a valid ticket, the guy sitting beside me helped terminated a bee for us 3 girls sitting there, and the transit system was really crazily busy in the morning. Then in the afternoon, because i missed the last bus leaving town, i had to wait almost an hour for the next one, which was a train. While i was waiting in the station, sitting there reading a magazine, there were so many people rushing through beside me, people were running, puching in their tickets, dragging their suitcases on wheels, it was just a feeling that i did not like. Have i become a country person? I don't think so, i am just too attached to my car...
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
There's ur Super Mario DS >.<
I haven't written a blog for a few days now. Don't really know what to write anymore these days.... Until this happened!
Ming has been bogging me to recover his Super Mario DS game, he claimed that "I" lost it. This happened since MaMaMing was here. The truth is, when he asked me about it, I truly didn't know where it was coz I could not recall the last time that I have seen it. I knew that it was not me who lost it, however, I did not want to say anything in front of MaMaMing, since I was not 100% sure of it myself and I didn't want to argue with him in front of his mama. But seriously, did he have to harrass me like that? He 宰贓 on me and used not very nice tone either, almost everyday! So guess what happened today?! He found the game himself!!! Holy Sh*t!!! For all these times he claimed that I was the one who lost it, when it was simply HIMSELF who put it away and could not remember that he's done so!!! Like what he always dose!!! Of course he was sorry and embarrassed. Ming ming ming... next time don't blame me for losing your stuff, coz most likely it would have been yourself, who put it away, since I really don't organize our home. :P
Ming has been bogging me to recover his Super Mario DS game, he claimed that "I" lost it. This happened since MaMaMing was here. The truth is, when he asked me about it, I truly didn't know where it was coz I could not recall the last time that I have seen it. I knew that it was not me who lost it, however, I did not want to say anything in front of MaMaMing, since I was not 100% sure of it myself and I didn't want to argue with him in front of his mama. But seriously, did he have to harrass me like that? He 宰贓 on me and used not very nice tone either, almost everyday! So guess what happened today?! He found the game himself!!! Holy Sh*t!!! For all these times he claimed that I was the one who lost it, when it was simply HIMSELF who put it away and could not remember that he's done so!!! Like what he always dose!!! Of course he was sorry and embarrassed. Ming ming ming... next time don't blame me for losing your stuff, coz most likely it would have been yourself, who put it away, since I really don't organize our home. :P
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Mall biz'
I don't understand what this world has become of... I don't know if this applies to all the malls out there, but this is what happened at the mall closest to our place today. A cute old ojisan was using his digital camera to take some photos of the mall, coz there was some really pretty sky lights. He looked like some nice old chinese grandpa, probably visiting his family here in Canada or something. Then a security guard came up to him and said "no, you are not allowed to take photos in the mall, no pictures!" I don't understand why!!! This security guard was a little nicer than one that we ran into the other time at my hospital. We were taking photos with ming's mom and aunt inside the hospital (she was visting from Taiwan), then a guard started screaming at us, sitting down at her station, 6 feet away, "hey! hey! hey! you cannot take photos!" So loud that the whole hospital could hear her. I was so pissed, coz it laid a bad impression for ming's mom and his aunt. How could a hospital staff be so rude?! So this whole "no pictures inside a mall, a hospital, maybe in the airport too," i don't know, is probably all measures against terrorism, but it has made this world so much less personable and less kind. So sad~
Anyhow, it was nice to shop at the mall by myself today, i haven't done that for a while now.
Anyhow, it was nice to shop at the mall by myself today, i haven't done that for a while now.
Monday, August 28, 2006
A combo blog
Today we met up with an old friend, one who we haven't seen in 3 years. It is nice to meet up with an old friend, but sometimes it's awkward coz you don't really know what to talk about. There are many other friends out there who i've probably not seen or even spoken to over 3 years and you know what, friends can get lost that way. I often think that i am a very passive person, i will not make the first move in contacting my friends. So most of my friends have to be more active than me. But if the other party is less active or even more passive than me, then it will be a sad situation: lost contact. You may say that i am lazy or something, i don't know, that's just who i am... The truth is, i want my friends to contact me, but i just don't want to make the first move, and i often make ming do it (even though he doesn't like it either). So friends of mine, please keep on talking to me, or i am going to lose you....
I've been sleeping in the guest room for about a week now, due to the construction, lose of electricity in my room, and the noise early in the morning. But this room really stinks. It's not a bad smell, but i am a very sensitive person when it comes to smells. I can smell things that other ppl cannot smell. So it is so hard for me to breathe right now ( i am using a laptop in the room). I have used some scented oils in the past few nights, but i often forget to blow out the candle and just fell asleep. I don't think that's a safe thing to do.... I just hate the smell tho....
I've been sleeping in the guest room for about a week now, due to the construction, lose of electricity in my room, and the noise early in the morning. But this room really stinks. It's not a bad smell, but i am a very sensitive person when it comes to smells. I can smell things that other ppl cannot smell. So it is so hard for me to breathe right now ( i am using a laptop in the room). I have used some scented oils in the past few nights, but i often forget to blow out the candle and just fell asleep. I don't think that's a safe thing to do.... I just hate the smell tho....
Friday, August 25, 2006
I Love You Gals
I think i have realized just how important family and friends are to me. I don't think i would ever be able to survive without my family and friends. You simply listen to me when i am down or upset, you care for me and you empathize me, and after venting to you, it's a brand new world again. Thank you gals, thank you for supporting me during the toughest times of my life. There's more to come, so stay tune for any up-coming "&%*$()#$&%!.... I thank you in advance.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Holy crap, summer is almost over!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Jay again
So fine, i will stop talking about this name changing biz and stop calling you Jay. I just can't help it but to mention the name again. Go Blue Jay Go!
Monday, August 21, 2006
my old Jay~
Tomorrow will be the start of our 2006 Summer Reno project. Of course we are not doing the reno, there's ppl coming to do it. So today I had to clean up the bathroom, coz it's where they will start the construction.
It's good to have a make over once in a while. A small bathroom like this, I cleaned up 2 bags of garbage, impressive! Last month when Jay and I cleaned up the basement, we dumped 4-5 bags of clothings/shoes, 2 TV's, 1 VCR, 2 mattresses, 2 heaters, tons of books/magazines/papers, toys, and many more. All of these are probably our collection over 9 years. It is a good exercise for me, reorganizing, as I am known as "miss squirrel" because I don't throw away things and I forget that I have them and where I have hid them. It's fun and brings back a lot of old memories when you see all of these old things... On many occations during our clean-sweep, you would hear me say "NO!!! I am keeping that" while Jay yells back "What do you keep that for?!" I think I am a really 念舊的人, I have a hard time letting go old things, so that's why I've been with Jay all these years. :P
It's good to have a make over once in a while. A small bathroom like this, I cleaned up 2 bags of garbage, impressive! Last month when Jay and I cleaned up the basement, we dumped 4-5 bags of clothings/shoes, 2 TV's, 1 VCR, 2 mattresses, 2 heaters, tons of books/magazines/papers, toys, and many more. All of these are probably our collection over 9 years. It is a good exercise for me, reorganizing, as I am known as "miss squirrel" because I don't throw away things and I forget that I have them and where I have hid them. It's fun and brings back a lot of old memories when you see all of these old things... On many occations during our clean-sweep, you would hear me say "NO!!! I am keeping that" while Jay yells back "What do you keep that for?!" I think I am a really 念舊的人, I have a hard time letting go old things, so that's why I've been with Jay all these years. :P
Jay 30生日
For the Torontonians only... Don't go to this all you can eat Japanese restaurant called "Wasabi." 又難吃又貴. Although the service was good, and the deco was nice, but it is not worth $30. Even the drinks were not included. It was ming's 虛歲30生日, even though we were not satisfied with the food, but our overall 心情還是不錯弟.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
某天我和銘很無聊(ok, 是我很無聊) 我就叫他來幫我們兩取個名子。 現在台灣不是很流行把兩個人的名子加起來然後變了個詞嗎?比如像康熙來了, 和快樂星期天的:一起high 翻天 (李明依和巫啟賢)。 結果銘想了兩個我們名子的組和。 一個是“蛋黃酥“ 令外一個是 “書箭恩仇錄“ (當時我還覺得滿好的,因為我中文成度也不是太好的,沒想到其實兩個的發音是不一樣的, 三條線刷過我的臉)。 真是太好笑啦!
我實在是不敢相信一個兩歲半的小還子竟然會唱整首“我有一隻小毛驢”。 不知到是我小時後太笨了還是現在的小孩實在是太聰明了。 昨天真的被 Chloe 嚇了一大跳。 雖然她一歲多的時後就已經會唱 ABC 了, 不過聽完她唱完整首我有一隻小毛驢還是很 impressed。 希望我以後的小孩也能這麼聰明。 可能在小孩醫院做久了看了太多不健康的bebe, 會失去信心。
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Oh Chloe...
Annoying annoying~
Traveling to/from North America and the UK is going to be hell! Did you hear about those new restrictions?! It is very irritating to me. This include flying to Taiwan too! No more i-pods or portable DVD players or laptops! It is going to be hell! They better provide upgraded entertaining system!!! Coz it is bloddy boring in a 12hr flight!!! Fine, they won't let us have our personal entertaining stuff, and they won't even let us have a bottle of water!!! So we just have to wait for those lazy flight attendants to come every 3 hours for a glass of sinky water! It is more work for them too... They even limit the amout of medications that you are allowed on the plane! The US rules are "okay" but if you read the UK ones, they are totally inhumane. They don't allow any meds more than 50ml in the cabin!!! 50ml?! That is way too minimal. Not only that, you will be asked to "taste" these medications that are on you! That is just dumb... They even said no handbags! Only are pocket sized stuff allowed and hey will give you a plastic bag to put your stuff in! That feels like a jail... You can bring your glasses, but cannot bring its case; what if the glasses smash coz it's not protected? You can bring contact lens cases, but not contact solutions; so they will provide it for us? Or are they just going to ask us to use the dirty aircraft toilet water? You can bring baby milk powders, but parents will be asked to taste them as well... geez, these UK's are getting so serious! I just don't know how i am going to survive my 12 hr plane ride without any music... cabin earphones suck. So annoyed by this...
Sunday, August 06, 2006
People who live in Taiwan probably can't understand the folloing blog entry...
We were at T&T the other day shopping for groceries: T&T is the place we go 90% of the time now, coz it's got all the good chinese and taiwanese food there. I love this drink called "蘋果多." You can probably find it anywhere in Taiwan 7-11. But not here!!! T&T used to sell it (at $3.99+tax/pack of 6 >_<) with limited quantities, but they haven't had any for over 1 year now. I used to check out the drinks section all the time just to see if they've imported some, but after months of disappointment, i gave up and stopped looking. But this other day, while i was just waiting for ming and his mom at the veges section, the corner of my eye caught a whole stack of "蘋果多!!!" I was ecstatic and jumped (literally) off the shopping cart that i was hanging onto and grabbed a good 2 packs... Maybe it was not much, but i treasure it so much that it will take me at least 2 months to finish this. This happened probably a few days back now and i still can't get over the joy of having 蘋果多. I LOVE 蘋果多!!! ^0^
We were at T&T the other day shopping for groceries: T&T is the place we go 90% of the time now, coz it's got all the good chinese and taiwanese food there. I love this drink called "蘋果多." You can probably find it anywhere in Taiwan 7-11. But not here!!! T&T used to sell it (at $3.99+tax/pack of 6 >_<) with limited quantities, but they haven't had any for over 1 year now. I used to check out the drinks section all the time just to see if they've imported some, but after months of disappointment, i gave up and stopped looking. But this other day, while i was just waiting for ming and his mom at the veges section, the corner of my eye caught a whole stack of "蘋果多!!!" I was ecstatic and jumped (literally) off the shopping cart that i was hanging onto and grabbed a good 2 packs... Maybe it was not much, but i treasure it so much that it will take me at least 2 months to finish this. This happened probably a few days back now and i still can't get over the joy of having 蘋果多. I LOVE 蘋果多!!! ^0^

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Music costs a lot
What do ya all think about downloading music from the internet?! Come on... we all do it, stop pretending you are all innocent and dignified. I was reading this news on the taiwanese website; a 16 yr old girl was arrested for downloading some songs (and provide for other ppl to download) that probably haven't even come out of the stores yet. I don't know what i would do if i were living in taiwan; i would probably say proudly that "i will always buy the real albums." But because i don't live in taiwan, even though they do sell 'some' CD's here, they are hard to get and all priced at an incredibly/rediculously high price. So i have a choice to either download songs from the web, feel guilty, or pay a high price for the CD's and suffer. I would always buy the actual CD if it was Jay's, of course. And i used to buy some at the price of $25 a piece when i was young and didn't know nothing about money. Now i cannot do that, and i hate that i cannot get the real albums... and pirating...
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
心煩氣躁 >.<
Can you beleive that it was 36°C here in Toronto today?! Holy sh*t... And with humidity, it felt like 44°C!!! This is not Taiwan ok?! I wonder how are people surviving without AC at home, or those who work outdoors?! Ming and I were shopping for some home reno stuff, just with in and out of the car and the shops, we were going nuts... 心煩氣躁, is that how you say it? Well, the hot weather definitely made the two of us grumpy and impatient. Should have seen the two of us having a 'heated discussion' at the food court today, it wasn't pretty... Wei Wei says "叫太陽公公關掉阿!" I agree, i agree...
Friday, July 28, 2006
Ahy~ life is never perfect...
Okee... if i really want to write a new blog, the following is all i could think of that's remotely worth mentioning, because my life is really not that intresting these days. So i have been helping ming out with the "handy man" jobs, washed a couple loads of laundry, cleaned up the laundry room and tidy up the messy shoes. But what i really want to talk about is ~WEEDS~ Imagine you have a square foot of grass and in this area, you have little bits of pieces of 'beansprot like creatures' that you need to carefully extract without pulling out the grass... that's what i did today. Not 1 square foot, but probably 50, and that's only 1/3 of the the whole backyard. This all started last summer, but we never paid any attention to it, until today i could no longer stand it and grabbed a tiny stool so i can sit closer to the ground and get those little bitches one by one. So i probably got about 1lb. of these little 'beansprot like creatures' today from this 1/3 of the yard. The rest of the yard is also full of these and i am tired just thinking about it... Whenever i'm pulling weeds, all i think is "i hate this, i don't want to spend my youthful years plucking weeds. Why the hell did we not get a condo in the first place? I feel that i hate every single house chores, like gardening (weed extracting the most), outdoor garbage cans (that includes geenbins and recylcles), and all the house manintenance business... i wish that i live in a condo. but then again i don't want to pay the condo fees. Ahy~ life is never perfect...
Monday, July 17, 2006
4 down, 1 (or maybe 3) more to go...
We finished out wedding marathon for the summer this past weekend. Every wedding is so different; each with its style and every single one of them was special in its own way. For example, we just had our very first "vegetarian" dinner and it was very unique. But afterwards I was sort of craving for some burgers, hahaha...
sweet Allen and Cindy
a very special dish.

Sunday, July 16, 2006
a thought of food
I was thinking about this today... Is swiss cheese from Switzerland? Is french fries from France? Is black forrest cake from Black Forrest? Is 德國豬腳 from Germany? What else is there?
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Wallace is a homeless
On my way home from work yesterday, there was this begger on the street, with a Timmy Ho's cup in his hand, going through every car that was stopped at the red light to beg for some money. I thought the guy looked like Rasheed Wallace. Hahaha... If you think about it, if Wallace lose his head band, the jersey, and the shoes, he actually does look like a homeless/begger, doesn't he?! Hahaha...
Sunday, July 09, 2006
貼心的 'Thomas Jefferson'
Ok... 記上一次的 blog 後, 連我媽都說我不應該寫那種話 (well, she didn't actually say it, she just sort of hinted it), 所以我決定說一些ming 的好話. coz afterall, ming does do some good stuff once in a while. ~.^ ok ok... he is actually pretty good to me most of the time... for example, i worked the whole day on Thursday, after i came home and went into my room, i noticed something different about it but i couldn't quite point out what, coz i was just so tired after a 12 hour shift. So the next day, after i woke up, i realized that 'hey! my windows have blinds up!' I used to have just a layer of curtain on, which is very non-effective when it comes to blinding the sunlight. So every morning i would get waken up by the bright light shinning right in my eye. This trip to NYC, we stayed at a very nice hotel (it was actually a Hilton) and the room was completely dark in the morning because it had really thick curtains, and i had a great sleep that time. So i said to ming "i want this kinda curtains in my room too..." I guess he listened and he delievered my wish after we came home. What a 貼心的 move, ming. ^^

Wednesday, July 05, 2006
有時候跟ming講話會講得很氣, 講完了就很想跟人complain. 可是想想我真的沒什麼朋友, 因為真的沒人可吐氣. 不過有一大部分是我自己的原因, 因為我太懶了, 懶得找人. 所以很多時候就把這一把火給吞了下來. 有一些男朋友以外的朋友真的很重要. ><
shopping is fun~
Just came back from our NYC/Woodbury shopping trip. I came back with tons of goodies and a big hole in my wallet. I realize that i have a sickness, a "must have it, can't wait" sickness. Whenever i go shopping, if i see something i like, i feel like i must get it now, or else it will be gone later. Or i feel like i must have it because other ppl have it too. That is very bad of me. Therefore, every time we go on a "shopping tour" it's like a competition. If other ppl buy it, then i must buy some too. I mean, i am not like that all the time, but sometimes i feel that this sickness is part of the reason why i spend so much. I also think this sickness was caused by my childhood experience. When i was in school back in taiwan, i always had the best school bags, stationaries, and bento box. My classmates were envious of me and often praised of my belongings. This made me felt i had to keep up my "princess" status, i often had to buy new stuff to bring to school, and as time goes by, this habit got stuck with me. I know this is very bad of me, since i am not making that much money these days. But then again there's always ming, who spends more than i do and makes nothing right now. ~.^ (Sorry ming... i needed a twist to my blog).
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
let it rain~
Finally, it's raining! Hoohoo! It's been so dry in Toronto lately and because we have not water our lawn, it is looking kinda dead right now. I was so happy to see it rained this morning... so happy. Please save our lawn...
I haven't been writing my blogs for a while now. Ever since my good friend Lance's incident, I feel like i lost a reader, and really don't feel like writing anymore. But then i thought that i cannot just give up my blog site, i have to keep it up! Right....
I haven't been writing my blogs for a while now. Ever since my good friend Lance's incident, I feel like i lost a reader, and really don't feel like writing anymore. But then i thought that i cannot just give up my blog site, i have to keep it up! Right....
Friday, June 23, 2006
Mr Huang's Convocation

Today was ming's convocation. We got to the place at 8am! Then the ceremony began at 10am. It was a cute little hall and the ceremoney went smoothly. The keynote speaker was very good, her speech and her dog are something that i will never forget in my life. Do you remember who was your keynote speaker during your convocation? I certainly don't.
It was a good day. Everyone was so proud of themselves and of their son/daughter/grandson/granddaughter/dad/mom/brother/sister/
I heard a boy in front of me said "so many teachers!~" Hahaha...
Congratulations, Mr. Huang. You will make a difference in our future generation's lives.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Hahaha, i'm an idiot
After how long of using this blog page? have i finally found out how to put a title line to my blogs. Hahaha...
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Taiwan is such a mess right now. I don't know what to read or listen to anymore. The politicians are fighting against each other everyday instead of trying to do their real jobs, which is serving their people. Time and money are wasted when the news are reporting these useless childish plays. As the general voters, we do not wish to listen to all these craps. We only wish that good news are being told, good things about the country and good things about how as a nation, we are working together to improve everyone's lives. No more fightings please...
Monday, June 19, 2006
I can't believe that I actually finished reading another book! The last time i picked up a book and actually read from the beginning till the end was like 2 years ago (the Nanny Diary). This time, it's "a curious incident of the dog in night time" and it was a great book. As some of you might have heard of this book from ming's blog, it was me who actually started reading it before he did. I bought this book a long time ago, read about 1/3 of it, then i gave it to Connie as a "go away" gift when she left Toronto. I bet that she hasn't even started reading it. This book is very interesting and very easy to read as it is written from an autistic kid's point of view. I have dealt with autistic kids before and they really have their own set of rules and live in their own world. Some of them are very talented, just like the character in this book, he is amazing in math. The one that i've met was amazing in art/drawing, he used to play cartoon via video tapes, pause it, and copy the picture onto his paper. He would make it exactly the same as the picture and it really amazed me.
So during our Costco trip, i bought 3 more books, plus there's one more that ming had ordered online for me, let's see how many i can finish this summer, before my school starts. ;)
So during our Costco trip, i bought 3 more books, plus there's one more that ming had ordered online for me, let's see how many i can finish this summer, before my school starts. ;)
Sunday, June 18, 2006
After $588 spent on tires at Costco this afternoon, we went into the warehouse to wait for the tire installation. Then the funniest scene happened. There must have been like over 40 men standing in front of the electronics section, each watching his own TV (coz there were too many of them), and guess what was on it, soccer. My goodness... The crowd even cheered so loud when the Brazil tream scored the final point of the game. What is it with the world cup...?
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
I have to apologize to my friends who got my 10+ forwarded emails tonight. I tried to clean up my hotmail account tonight, the account that i often leave the forwards the way they are. As of now i have 28 unread emails, better than the original 54 unread emails. But whoever got my forwards tonight, that means i thought of you and maybe thought of you more than once (coz u probably got more than 1 forward). Every time i click on a person's name, the person's face pop up in my head, and i often wonder how he/she is doing. So forwards is a good way of thinking of my friends. ^^
Sunday, June 11, 2006
We went to a BEAUTIFUL wedding yesterday (maybe i should say the day before now coz it took me all night to finish this blog). The wedding went so smoothly and everything was just perfect. I give my hat off to the couple who spent so much time and work to put this together because they really did a good job. Luckily they had a lot of help from their families too and they are very fortunate that way. After attending this wedding, it makes me want to have one in North America so bad. The truth is, i basically grew up here and i am so accustomed to the traditions here and this is the type of dream wedding that i've always wanted. But then so many other factors will forbid me from doing this and i know that at the end we will go back to taiwan for our wedding. Is it possible to move this type of wedding back to taiwan? If that is possible then it will be the best solution...... so depressed right now.... one of my pms talks.
Friday, June 09, 2006
I heard that ming's parents and his uncle are going to make a visit to my parents this coming up Sunday. It is the 提親 luncheon i guess. I am getting very nervous about this, because i am not sure if both parties will remain judge, calm, and happy about this whole wedding thing. I hope it will turn out okay... Coz ming's and my happiness will rely heavily on this first official get together. I don't think that my mom is particular interested in this kinda social event, and i think i am very much like her in this case. We both think as long as we know, then it's all fine. Probably no need for an official talk. But i guess ming's want to show their sincerity. So let's pray everything will be fine. >.<
Monday, June 05, 2006
I could not believe my eyes when i was leaving work today, coz the clock read "7:17!!!" Holy, i honestly cannot recall the last time that i got to leave work before 7:20. I was so happy and everything was smooth on the DVP, until the stupid accident... I was listening to the traffic report, it said the accident is causing back up from Shappard to Finch (which is only one tiny block, and you can usually pass thru in 1 minute). So i thought, oh ok, only 1 block so it shouldn't be too bad. Turned out that one block costed me an extra 20min!!! Damn it... Finally one day that i got to leave work early, but ran into this kinda stupid accident. How does a car get set on fire anyways? Does the car just start burning while driving on the highway? Half of that car was in ashes shape, so rediculous.
Friday, May 26, 2006
I don't understand why sometimes ppl can be so rude. At the end of my shift yesterday, i paged the on-call doctor for something. And you know what she said to me?! "You know what, this kida thing should be dealt with during the day, at night it should be emergencies only. next time can you remember that?" I wanted to tell her that she can just shove it up her ass and do her damn job. But instead, i kept my cool and my all time "goodie goddie person" 水準 and just asked her to please do it, because ultimately it is for the patient. The truth is, it is the "doctor's" job to do the thing that i needed her to do. If her fellow doctors could just remember to do their job during the day, then i wouldn't have to page her at that time. plus, it was only 7pm, what was her problem, pms?
During my drive back from work yesterday, i saw this homeless guy on the side of a busy street. Some of you may not know that there are a lot of homeless ppl in T.O. Why did this particular one caught my attention? Well, actually all homeless catches my attention because i cannot believe the living conditions they are in and amazed by how they survive on the streets. But anyways, this particular one was sleeping on a one seated sofa, a bright red coloured, Victorian style like, very exaggerated, one of those with with a high back sofa. And there he was just residing there. So i wondered: why do homeless ppl sleep all the time? Because they have nothing else better to do? Then a scary thought came to my mind. The image of this homeless sleeping on a sofa frighteningly reminded me of myself! Take away my money, my place to live, my job, and my car, then I am just like a homeless. I also spend the majority of my day (if i'm not working or going out to shop) sleeping on a sofa! I can sleep for up to 14 hours a day!!! I am just like a homeless, only with a home!!! I wish that i could have taken a photo of that homeless, because it would have made a good photo. Maybe he was trying to make a statement, like "look at me, and then look at this glamorious couch. What an irony!"
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Yesterday on our way back to home, we saw our neighbor walking their golden retreiver, whom we have not seen in more than a year. I shouted "Bailey!" Ming was just as shocked as I was, coz we've always thought that Bailey has probably passed away since we have not seen him or his poo poo around for a long time. So today when we were doing some garden work, we ran into the neighbor and asked if that was Bailey we saw, she told us that he had passed away a year ago... The new one is their foster dog... how sad. I think we were afraid to ask because we did not want to find out the truth. Bailey was very old but a mild and friendly dog. He did not have a voice when he barked and he would always roll around the front lawn during a bright sunny day. See, after i know that he's passed away, i start to think about him.... I have to say that i don't miss his poo poo though.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
We are back in T.O. The trip was good, ming got to see Paris for the first time, and I got to revisit a lot of places, which brought back a lot of memories. I have to say that i like Switzerland better than Paris. Well, they are totally different cites, just that Swiss people were very friendly. Not that i met any rude French ppl or anythinng, just an overall feeling. I would go back to Switzerland as a tourist, but i would go back to Paris as a shopper. :P Paris is a good shopping place. All the brand name products are much cheaper there and they also have much more selections. Nonetheless, both cities are a great place to visit. The last morning before our flight back to T.O. i went to Carrefour (家樂福), it was like a whole new world. And look what i found, French Pocky!!! How interesting! Take a look at just some of my photos from this trip on my msn website.

Monday, May 08, 2006

So i read about the news that this old time singer called 邰正宵 is returning to the spot light to release a new album. If you don't know who this guy is, he's someone who had a couple of hit songs when i was in junior high. Some people thought that i look like this guy. I don't know if that was a insult to him or to myself... >.<
Sunday, May 07, 2006
After ming and I are engaged, i've been checking out a lot of websites that's related to weddings. ie. wedding gowns, wedding favorites, wedding at the beaches, wedding photography... and many more. Today i saw on the woman's channel talking about a story of a inovative woman who made millions from her business. She is a designer florist whose business soar after having a dot.com site. Then she was later on featured on tons of magazines and on the Oprah show, which made her even more famous. I went on her website and i thought her stuff is amazing. This is kinda an inspirational to my wedding dream. Have a look at it when you have time. Her most famous feature is "Boxed in Blooms." http://www.jane-carroll.com/
Friday, May 05, 2006
Watching basketball is so stressful... Damn western teams, why do you play at such late times? Don't you know that ppl in the east coast has to sleep at 1:40am? So the Suns won! Game 7 is on and Kobe can go to hell. He can throw that elbow at everyone and don't get any calls. It was so obvious that he hit Barbosa, coz Barbosa's lip was stitched, and when Kobe sat on the chair, he secretly used the towel to wipe off the blood on his arm! If that wasn't obvious, how about their medical person using some sort of antiseptic wipes to clean it off for him! How "jian" can he be. So mad. Poor Barbosa, when he was asked how his lips were doing, he said "it hurts, it hurts, but i'll just have to take it." Suns were really lucky today. I am finding out that Diaw is pretty cute! But doesn't matter, Duncan is still my guy. Awwhh... so sleepy now...
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
This is what happened yesterday...
When i was getting ready to go out to mail my tax paper (last due day), i saw that our front lawn was covered with dandelions!!! Mind you that the other day i had already plugged some of them out. So i decided to terminate them. Under the extreme sun rays, i started to extrat them, but there were so many of them! When i was getting close to the part where my tulips were, i almost got attacked by a bee! >.< A scary moment. To be honest with ya, i hate gardening. It is not something that i like to do. But the reality is, if i don't do it, nobody else will do it. Our front garden is manifested by weeds and loose leaves, it's been there since the snow melted (which was like 3 months ago), we have yet to clean it up. The other day mr. ming finally decided to mow the lawn, which has been unacceptabily long way before the winter, because he hurt his back so the grass was just left the way it was. I hate gardening...
So after all the weed extraction, i drove away to mail my tax. On my way there, i let this upcoming car to turn left in front of me, then the guy in the car (an ogisan) gave me a thumb up! Hahaha... That's a first. And a look as if i receive his approval or something. Old ppl are funny.
After i had my tax mailed, i walked around in the mall. A lady with a baby stopped me and asked "excuse me, where did you get your pants?!" i told her "levi's." Hahaha... This is also the first time that someone on the street stopped and asked me where i got my clothes! Funny day.
When i was getting ready to go out to mail my tax paper (last due day), i saw that our front lawn was covered with dandelions!!! Mind you that the other day i had already plugged some of them out. So i decided to terminate them. Under the extreme sun rays, i started to extrat them, but there were so many of them! When i was getting close to the part where my tulips were, i almost got attacked by a bee! >.< A scary moment. To be honest with ya, i hate gardening. It is not something that i like to do. But the reality is, if i don't do it, nobody else will do it. Our front garden is manifested by weeds and loose leaves, it's been there since the snow melted (which was like 3 months ago), we have yet to clean it up. The other day mr. ming finally decided to mow the lawn, which has been unacceptabily long way before the winter, because he hurt his back so the grass was just left the way it was. I hate gardening...
So after all the weed extraction, i drove away to mail my tax. On my way there, i let this upcoming car to turn left in front of me, then the guy in the car (an ogisan) gave me a thumb up! Hahaha... That's a first. And a look as if i receive his approval or something. Old ppl are funny.
After i had my tax mailed, i walked around in the mall. A lady with a baby stopped me and asked "excuse me, where did you get your pants?!" i told her "levi's." Hahaha... This is also the first time that someone on the street stopped and asked me where i got my clothes! Funny day.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
What the heck is wrong with NBA? I've watched 3 consecutive games where the teams that i'm rooting lost! It's not like the teams i like are the lower seed teams, they are actually the favoured teams! Like the spurs, suns, and heat! They all just lost! Makes this year NBA experience starting off at bad way. I think Nash is under the pressure of possibililty being MVP again this year, so he's not playing as well. Nonetheless, he's still amazing. I also want to comment on Coach Rieley's reaction to the fued between Wade and Payton. The reason why he didn't do anything was because he wanted it to happen. He wanted his team to be agressive, to feel like they need to do something about their losing, to feel mad. I think they are all grown adults, so they can take care of their disagreement, they don't need a coach to stop a fight between them two boys.
On a side note, staying home on a sunny sunday sucks... All i did was lying on the couch and watch basketball. Good thing that i have this laptop set up so i can surf the net at the same time. Go Raptors Go!!! Wait... they're not in the playoff.
On a side note, staying home on a sunny sunday sucks... All i did was lying on the couch and watch basketball. Good thing that i have this laptop set up so i can surf the net at the same time. Go Raptors Go!!! Wait... they're not in the playoff.
Monday, April 24, 2006
I think that my life must be really boring because I really don't have much to say to post on my blogs. God knows when was the last time I posted something on my msn blog... The only remotely interesting thought that I had today while doing grocery shopping was that the store stockers really know how to cheat their customers. They always put the freshest products at the back of the shelf. Try it, next time when you pick up a loaf of bread, try to dig out the innest loaf and see if it's fresher than the ones at the front. It is always the case for me. That's my thought of the day.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
So these are what happened to me today....
- I learned how to start IV's and jabbed my co-worker blindly. She probably got a bruise from my needle. Hey, she played around with my vein too and it hurts! I wasn't going to participate in the "trying-on-each-other" work, but i thought, nah, what the heck, at least i get to know how it feels to jab a person. I was very nervous tho, shaking and sweaty palm... i never deal well with stress/observation... Next time i am trying it on ming, when he's feeling a little better than now.
- I bought something at Sears today. After i paid, the black lady cashier said to me "best of everthing!" I don't think i've ever gotten that from a cashier!!! That was neat.
- Finally we went to 南園 tonight. It was alright, just like the regular 南園. But it feels good that there's a decent chinese restaurant just around the corner. 太棒了!!!
So i heard today that Jack Bauer will have another 3 hard working days.... appearantly Kiefer Sutherland has signed a 3 more season contract with 24 and will become the HIGHEST paid TV actor in the history! Holy cow... Well, I just hope next time he won't be fighting against his own ppl. CTU should change their name to "CAU" now, counter-american-unit. Wahahaha....
Friday, April 07, 2006
This message was written yesterday, but then the site went "unavailable" on me....
Happy Birthday to WeiNiNi!!! Hope you don't have to spend ur birthday at the office doing over-time work.
Went to the Blue Jay's Home opening game last night. It was my 2nd ball game experience. The 1st time was at SF with Lance and Nica, the ball park was beautiful, and the experience was unforgettable. But i had to say, Toronto fans are really something. It was a sold out crowd and everyone was so involved with the game!!! I'm glad that the Jays won last night, coz i don't think i've ever been to a game that the team actually won. It is the only baseball club that's left in Canada, so i hope they do well and continue their excellence this year. It took us a long time to get home though, even on the way to the subway, at the skywalk path, everyone was still cheering "let's go Blue Jays!!!" I guess a >50,000 would take a long time to disintegrate... Then we each had a hot dog before we went home.
Happy Birthday to WeiNiNi!!! Hope you don't have to spend ur birthday at the office doing over-time work.

Went to the Blue Jay's Home opening game last night. It was my 2nd ball game experience. The 1st time was at SF with Lance and Nica, the ball park was beautiful, and the experience was unforgettable. But i had to say, Toronto fans are really something. It was a sold out crowd and everyone was so involved with the game!!! I'm glad that the Jays won last night, coz i don't think i've ever been to a game that the team actually won. It is the only baseball club that's left in Canada, so i hope they do well and continue their excellence this year. It took us a long time to get home though, even on the way to the subway, at the skywalk path, everyone was still cheering "let's go Blue Jays!!!" I guess a >50,000 would take a long time to disintegrate... Then we each had a hot dog before we went home.

Friday, March 31, 2006
I was watching Jay Leno last night, they had this guy going to an elementary school hosting a comedian stand up show at the school. These comedians wre between grade 2 to 6 and they were hilarious. This kid asked "why is there no air conditioner at baseball fields?" answer "coz there's a fan in every seat!" Hahaha... isn't he good? Then the host interviewed this kid, grade 4 or something, asked him if he's always wanted to be a comedian? The kid said "no, i wanted to be a postman, coz i like buying stuff on ebay, and i hate waiting for it to come to my house. if i were a postman, i would just have to get it from the back of my truck." Wahahha... this kid was serious too. Too funny... kids. Like yesterday, one of my patients was a 6 year old. He's been really sick, and his mom has been reallly stressed from being away from work and spending a lot of time in the hospital with this patient, while doing her work there. The kid was constantly asking for another movie from me and was very hard to please coz his taste was very particular. Last night the mom finally had it and yelled at the kid "P.M., if you say another word about movies, i'm going to...." i forgot exactly what she said at the end coz i was just too shocked that she would do that in front of me. Maybe she felt comfortable with me. Then u know what the kid do? He gave me this look (away from his mom) like he was saying "wow, what's her problem?" It was so funny that i was laughing inside.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Hey, what's up with you guys that no one is updating their posts these days?! Did you know that checking ur blogs have become one of my daily routines? So don't make me miss my routine.
So here is a thought for the day: How do you know if you truly love a person?
If you happen to read yeterday's Toronto Star, you might have come across a news regarding organ donation. There is a huge picture of this boy who i've known since he was 9 or 10 on the front page. He is now 13 and he is waiting for lung transplant. So he was at this conference where ppl are lobbying for the public to consent to organ donations. His mom has always been there for him. So i thought: if i were his mom, would i give him my lungs so he can live a longer/better life? Never mind if it is worth it or not (coz the prognosis is always unpredictable), just thinking about whether i would give up my life for my son is a tough question. This is probably because i am not a parent. But then i turned the question around and asked myself: if ming needed my lungs, would i have given it to him? And right away, i thought "yes, of course, no matter what reason, i would." (By this time, ming probably should be very touched bah.) So if you ever want to figure out if you truly love someone, just think "would i give this person my lungs?" That way ur question would be answered. :)
So here is a thought for the day: How do you know if you truly love a person?
If you happen to read yeterday's Toronto Star, you might have come across a news regarding organ donation. There is a huge picture of this boy who i've known since he was 9 or 10 on the front page. He is now 13 and he is waiting for lung transplant. So he was at this conference where ppl are lobbying for the public to consent to organ donations. His mom has always been there for him. So i thought: if i were his mom, would i give him my lungs so he can live a longer/better life? Never mind if it is worth it or not (coz the prognosis is always unpredictable), just thinking about whether i would give up my life for my son is a tough question. This is probably because i am not a parent. But then i turned the question around and asked myself: if ming needed my lungs, would i have given it to him? And right away, i thought "yes, of course, no matter what reason, i would." (By this time, ming probably should be very touched bah.) So if you ever want to figure out if you truly love someone, just think "would i give this person my lungs?" That way ur question would be answered. :)
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Been back to T.O. for a few days now. I haven't done anything productive. All I've been doing is watching ming buzzing around like a busy bee. He hasn't slept after the day we got back. As for me, i'm just chilling. The house is still a mess (I refuse to clean up the luggages that are sitting in the foyer coz this way it gives me a sense that i am 'sort of' still on vacation), it usually takes me 2-4 weeks until i really want to clean it up. At least i went to costco to get toilet paper, that was a must.
Been debating whether to go to Switzerland with ming's family this May or not. The truth is, because of this trip to Seattle, i've already spent too much that i cannot afford another trip so far. I need to work more (but i really don't want to either) in order to earn the plane ticket money. I guess we sort of over-spent on our engagement rings, oops. But that's once in a lifetime thing, can't be stingy about that! Right, right, ming~
I'm still thinking of chloe these days. I did a facial mask last night, and thought of the last time when i did it in seattle, chloe saw me with the mask on and kept on calling me "ah-yi, ah-yi" to make sure that it was really me. She was so curious that she stood there to watch me put it on, and wanted to touch the mask and said "摸摸." Then of course she wanted to put her finger that just touched my mask into her mouth... She even did a "怕怕" gesture that it was so cute.
Today i opened the album of LeeHom that my parents brought for me. I saw his photos and i thought, hum... maybe i like him more than Jay? Hahaha.... He's just too cute. Looking at his photos brought back memories of my teenage years. haha... 花痴...
Monday, March 20, 2006

Chloe is such a big girl now. She's only 27 months old, but she is so smart. She knows how to sing the song ABC, she can count to 13, sings a lot of children's songs, and talks a lot in complete sentenses. Too bad that she wasn't completely friendly with me, but she was very friendly with ming. ;) Ming and I can't stop talking about Chloe on our way back, we miss her very much.
So now back to the reality. The house is a mess, we need toilet paper so badly (there is only 2 rolls left in the whole house, one for each washroom), and a lot more business to take care of. 想到就頭痛. >.< All I want to do is just stay home and do nothing...
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
What kind of driver is the slowest driver out there?! Toyota drivers! It is a tie between Toyota Corolla and Camery. Man, these drivers drive me nuts! For example, in a 70km/hr zone, on a downhill area, we are already driving "slow" at 70km/hr, and this freaking green Corolla would break! Why the hell are you breaking?! That car messed up my plan to get home from work in 30 minutes. So freaking annoying...
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006
March 3 is my favorite day of the year coz i am a self-centred, spoiled little gal. This year, was no different. I had a great time this year (aside from ming's sleepy eyes/mood), and i was fortunate that this year my birthday falls on a Friday (next year will be saturday? that's not bad either). First we went to Spring Roll for dinner; their food needs some serious quality management coz it wasn't as good as before, in fact it was bad. Nonetheless, we had a good time talking and drinking. Then we headed over to the club called "Alley Cats." At first we thought it was going to be a Jazz Club, but turned out it was a dance club with live music. I loved it. We danced the night away with some alcohol influences. But I didn't have that much to drink. For the whole night I only had 3 drinks, which were filled with juice more than anything else. The band was awesome and the lead singer was singing and dancing like it was a real concert! I am lucky to have friends who would come out to have fun with me and even embarass themselves on the dance floor with me, hahaha.... j/k my friends.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
雙魚座 [ 02 / 20~ 03 / 20 ] 今日2006年3月3日
星 情:★★★★
工 作:★★★★
財 運:★★★
愛 情:★★★★
運 勢:今天雙魚座心情可說high翻了。工作上有業績進帳,讓你好做交代,只是你一高興就不免藉機犒賞自己,往往又把錢付諸流水,克制點吧!至於對待情人,你從來不吝嗇,特別像碰到今天心花怒放時。
星 情:★★★★
工 作:★★★★
財 運:★★★
愛 情:★★★★
運 勢:今天雙魚座心情可說high翻了。工作上有業績進帳,讓你好做交代,只是你一高興就不免藉機犒賞自己,往往又把錢付諸流水,克制點吧!至於對待情人,你從來不吝嗇,特別像碰到今天心花怒放時。
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
I have a problem with saying "no" to people. I don't know how to say no when friends ask me out for lunch/dinner coz I always want to go out with them even when I have no time or money to do so. I don't know how to say no when friends ask for my help coz I always want to help people. The worst is that I don't know how to say no at work. Whenever coworkers ask me to help them out with something, I seldom turn them down no matter how busy I am or how behind I am with my own tasks. And the crap always comes when I don't know how to say no if they ask me to go into work for a shift. Not that I don't say no, it's just the way I say no stinks. Some people can say it very direct, sounding "no means no" while my no is like "no~... sorry... i can't... sorry..." The truth is I do feel sorry when I cannot help out the unit. But some people can really take advantage of my "softness" and become pushy. I hate it when people are like that. Just because someone is nice doesn't mean you can walk all over them. These people give you respect, you just don't pay them back with rudeness. How some people operate in this world is just beyond my understandings....
Monday, February 27, 2006
I guess some of my friends already know the good news. Yes, the good news is that I am finally engaged. After 8 years and 2 months, ming and I have finally decided to settle down. hahaha... I admire ming's courage coz he probably was scared to death to propose, since I've always said to him that I don't want to get married. ^.~ Plus, with everyone that is getting engaged and married around us, it probably made him hesitant to do so. Nevertheless, it was a very special proposal. It could not have been any more special. I did not want to annouce it to people coz I'm shy mah. But people can ask ming, he should be the one telling. :) At this time, I'm just enjoying the feeling of being engaged. It's a weird but warm feeling. haha...
Friday, February 24, 2006
Today I thought of my grandfather. To me, I have only 1 grandparent, and that is my grandfather in Shih-Lin. He is the only grandparent whom I've known. He was someone who I looked up to because he has achieved so much in his life. If you google him up (his name is 吳振蘭) on google.com/tw, you would find several hits about him. Febuary is a bitter sweet month for me. Every year close to Valentine's day, I would wake up from my sleep crying. Because my grandfather passed away on Valentine's day. I am not making this up. I've learned that he is now in heaven with God and has no worries like us, the vain human beings. I miss him very much. I still remember when I was very little, he once rescued me from the toilet bowl that I've fallen into. I was crying and he said to me "why are you crying? just get up ah." Then he pulled me up with his big warm hands. This may sound like a very miniacture event, but it imprinted on my mind for life. He taught me not to cry for stupid things like that. He did not allow me to cry coz he rescued me right away. That is why I hate men for not putting down the toilet seat now, coz I will fall into the bowl if it is not down. I'm glad that I'm with a man who does put the seat down for the ladies. Thanks ming. ^^
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Since I've received the news of this patient of mine whom I took care of had passed away 2 days ago, he is all I've been thinking about. I don't know why he has brought so much thought upon me, coz there has been many many other patients whom I also took care of and have passed away and I have not thought of them as much as this little guy. Plus the fact that I only took care of him for 2 days whereas others I might have taken care of them for many many days. This guy was barely conversable, because even if he was healthy, he wouldn't be able to, and on top of that he was very very sick. I am very sorry that he wasn't getting better care while he was with us, but I think I did the best I could to look after him. I never knew him before he got sick but I know he was a very special one.
Good thing that I had a very very cute 5 months old baby yesterday and the day before that I got to spend time with alone to take my mind off the sad news (coz his mom wasn't there). He is the cutest thing ever. He only cries when he is hungry or when he has poopy diaper. After he was fed, I would wrap him up and put on the TV for him to watch (mostly the Canadian Olympic games, coz I wanted to see it myself), and he would actually follow the show!!! He was soooo adorable, that I fell in love with him right away. My motherly nature would arise only when I meet such good baby. :) I think if it weren't because I am still single, I would have had a baby myself already.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006
So who has joined the circle of blogger? Me, ming, Lawei, Helen, and Ying-Hsu. Looks like everyone is doing a good job at keeping at least 1 diary per 2 days, except ming! I knew that he would be the first to drop out of this. Stop reading those One Piece comics online, then you'll have time to blog, ming~~~
- Jack, blogging @ work sucks -
- Jack, blogging @ work sucks -
Monday, February 20, 2006
I watched an episode of 美麗藝能界 today. They were talking about how to get brand name products at good prices. So they talked about 2nd hand stores and outlets and stuff. At the end of the show, Annie the host talked about fake products. The general public like myself know that buying fake products is not a good thing, but I never realize there is a very prominent reason. She described the labour behind fake products in country like Vietnam and Thailand are mostly children who are abused and put under horrendous working conditions. She mentioned some brand name companies discovered these children were working in enviornments that are harmful to their health; some factory owner would not provide these children food unless they finish their work, and some even chop off their legs if they try to run away so they wouldn't do it again. I understand that people should not buy fake stuff, but I was also thinking, so what if these children had nothing else to do other than working in these fake product factories? Their government would not look after them anyways, so maybe they would just die without any food.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
If you are a woman, you would understand the pain of the "monthly business." Today I decided to take control of my life, as I used to just lie in bed all day as the pain is so intolerable. So I took extra-strength Advil before lunch. 10 minutes into my lunch, I felt this sudden onset of heat, sweat was coming down on my forehead, I felt dizzy, and I thought I was gonna faint. Ming, now I know how you felt when you passed out when receiving acupuncture by that Chinese doctor. It is quite a scary feeling. This happened coz we were both empty stomached and took on pain relief, so our bodies suddenly "collapsed." Conclusion, don't ever do that, ever, my friends.
Thursday, February 16, 2006

Today was another non-eventful day, or shall I say a wasted day? What is the purpose of life I wonder.... Only people who are too bored has time to think about stuff like this. Therefore I do not know how the hell did ming have time to draw this "life map." He is the busiest guy I know in the world....
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

So many of my friends are getting married. I am so happy for them. Sadly, I think about myself and how pathetic my life is. I am a 27 year old single woman, who has yet to accomplish anything in my life. I am stuck at a stage in life that I don't want to move on nor do I have the option of turning back. This is probably PMS talk right here....
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
As i was reading ming and lance's blogs at this location, i had to respond to their blogs. And in order to do that, i had to sign up as a member. I was thinking in my head, "do i want another blog page?" It's like having a diary and then buys another one. But as you may know, i am probably the person who has the most free time in the world, that's why this blog was even borned.
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